Friday, April 03, 2015

Friday Favorites

Favorite Hope for Good Friday

Favorite Conversation
Me:  Ricky, where does insulin come from?
Side Note:  I just got an answer wrong on Trivia Crack
... I hit Liver when the answer was Pancreas
Ricky:  Insulin?
Me:  Yeah.. where does it come from?
Ricky: mmm....
Ricky:  (Silence)
Ricky:  Cleveland
Me:  (Spitting my toothpaste across the mirror) WHAT?
Ricky:  Is the answer Cleveland?
Me:  The answer is pancreas - why would you say Cleveland?
Ricky:  Isn't the Cleveland Clinic there?  & isn't that where people go to get better?
.... oh my gosh... I love how my husbands brain works!!
Outside the box
 Favorite Beauty & the Beast Item of the week

The Ultimate Beauty and the Beast Gift Guide
 How CUTE are this jammies?!?!?!?

Favorite Food Idea

Sundaes and Spaghetti: Copy Cat Tagalongs
The recipe is right HERE  


Favorite Reminder
Be at peace

Favorite House Idea

"I love you because _________" frames ... change the reason daily with dry erase markers.

You can make one for your spouse & even one for each of your kids...
wipe off & put a new thing every day or every week.
How sweet to look up & see something new every so often

Favorite Funnies

36 of the Funniest Memes, Pictures and Posts - LDS SMILE

"Please lord, let me have patience with this person."

Angry Beaver Face
OK... that's just weird!!!

When people are fast at comebacks

Easter may be over after Sunday... but I can guarantee this is how I will feel Monday

How I am when someone asks for one of my Cadbury Eggs
Jim Carey No

How I am with black cardigans...

How I think I look doing Les Mills Combat.....

......How I really look doing Les Mills Combat

My exit work dance of the day!!

What are some of your favorites this week?


  1. oh my word, those last clips are hilarious!!!

    I am not a candy lover, but for me it's the deviled eggs!!! mouth watering now.

    favorite thing this signature on the contract on my house...sold!! :)

  2. Very clever of Ricky to think like that! I love, love, love that reminder. Pinning it now! Thank goodness it's Friday!

  3. Definitely....3 important days! Cute PJ's. Love the funnies.....

  4. I absolutely think I look like some martial arts ninja when I'm doing Combat. The I catch a glimpse in the mirror and sadly realize I'm not.


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