Wednesday, April 10, 2019

3 Things - April 2019 Edition

1. What 3 things are on your Spring Bucket List?

1. To get my coffee bar together in my library
2. To clean up our enclosed porch & back porch from all the winter wear ... & dog muddy feet prints... & get it where I can enjoy early mornings with my coffee & bible study or book!
3. Not a fun one - but to get back in with my doctor to see why my pain is still so severe... #sooverit

2. Spring Cleaning / Spring Forward / Spring Break
Which is your favorite & why?

I saw a lot of people picked Spring Break for this one... not fair! I dont get a Spring Break.  The only good thing for Spring break for me is having less traffic on my way to work.

For me, I'm totally a Spring Forward girl. Give me all that extra light at night. It just makes me feel so much better about life.

3. What 3 dishes will be on your Easter menu?

This is a weird one for me.... the past few years, my family hasn't gotten together for Easter - which sort of breaks my heart because Easter is my favorite Holiday.  But Ricky & I usually just end up going out to eat somewhere - so 3 dishes?  Hard to say - just depends on what restaurant we end up in.

You can answer these questions my adorable blog buddy Laura hosts.  
Be sure to stop by & visit her.

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