Thursday, May 31, 2007

VBS - even that's sad!

Man - I'm just fighting the saddness! Last night was our Vacation Bible School meeting and I'm in charge of the crafts - Cowpoke Crafts to be exact (how cute is that name!) What makes it so sad is the past 2 years, me and Steph have worked together in crafts and I told her now I was the leader, she had to be by my side and help me out - she was the craft queen after all! Whew - it was another reality check knowing she's not there. But Jack assured me he's going to be there for me to help - and I've recruited Ryan and told him he has to help me too. It'll be another heart break when I see her grandkids sitting there making the crafts without their grandma's special attention! It's like my mom said to me today - its amazing how big the hole in the world can be when one amazing person leaves us. That hole grows bigger with each passing day!

I've got to get myself together though for tomorrow - its the junior high Lock In at church! No one wants a noping "adult" around at a fun time like that. I think it'll be good medicine for me to get with these kids and laugh. If Jordan is there, I know I'll laugh - she is the coolest kid ever! I'm looking forward to it. And then Saturday - the big day - the baby graduates! AMAZING! That's a whole other subject that I'll touch on later! The years just fly by too fast!

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