Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Having a Freak-out Day!

I've started my morning at the doctor for my hand. The past few weeks, the pain has been almost unbearable. Needless to say, after being poked, thumped & x-rayed - they really have no answers. They have "ideas" but nothing stands out. I'm supposed to start physical therapy July 12th to see if that helps. Pray it does!

But during the visit, the doctor literally dropped my hands & started rubbing my skin on my arms. He asked me questions about any medications I may be on (none) & then he asked me if anyone has seen my skin before. He pointed out these little red "freckles" all over my arms. I never really thought much of it before - but he seemed very concerned. He told me to go to my Primary Physician right away to have it checked out. I told him he had to tell me something because now, I'm freaked out. He said they are caused by bleeding under the skin. Looking - I have HUNDREDS on my arms - & now I see them all over my legs & chest. Isn't it funny I never noticed them before? Needless to say, I'm awaiting a call back from my dermatologist to see when she can get me in...........and all this has to happen quickly - I'm loosing my health insurance in 2 months. After being at my job for 15 years, yes, they are taking away our health insurance. WOW! I'm starting to feel a little panic right now.

To top the morning off - my yellow lab, Buffy - Ricky found a knot on her back hip. Its pretty big, a tad smaller than a golf ball - & she doesnt like for you to touch it - but its not making her limp or stopping her from running. I'm a nervous wreck over this. My doggies are big babies to me. If this is something serious - we're talking a complete freak-out - full force!! So, I'm waiting for more doctor's appointments for me, & planning a vet trip tonight for my fur-baby.

I'm feeling very anxious & nervous today. I dont like feeling like this - completely out of control! I guess I just need to once again hand the reigns over & put my faith in the One who is in Control. But darn it, that still doesnt take the butterflies away from my gut right now!

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