Friday, July 06, 2007

New Mission?

I am so excited about a new opportunity for missions that is going to start up in our church. A friend of mine came up and told me she was informed of 2 teenage girls that found themselves pregnant. She took the time & went & found these girls (one, literally had to be hunted down) & talked to them, prayed for them & the babies, & let them know that they weren't alone. There would always be someone there for them - & most importantly, reassured them that God loves them & the baby they were carrying.

I was invited to help in this mission. This is something that touches my heart like nothing else. My heart goes out to teenage pregnancy situations & the fear & the confusion these girls feel. We will go each month to check on these girls, give them a little bit of hope & just let them know they are cared for. I'm thrilled about this opportunity & anxious to try to make a difference to someone. Ultimately, it will all be in God's hands - but I pray He can use me & the others from our church who become involved in this mission. So many young girls need the reassurance of hope at a time like this. I just want to reflect that hope - reflect God's Love.

Pray for this new mission. It holds so much possibility! Always - just to Glorify Him!!!


  1. Yay! What an awesome opportunity!! I will be praying for all you guys.

  2. I have talked with the same person as you I am sure. I was pretty excited about her going out to talk to those two girls, and I am so glad that things went well for her.


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