Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I woke up this morning - walked out - & I think it is FINALLY Fall! It's my favorite time of year - the colors are just beautiful & I just love jacket or sweatshirt weather. It's just all cozy to me! Driving home through some great tree covered places - I'm anxious to start seeing this cool air make the leaves change. I could stare at red, orange & yellow covered trees for hours amazed at their beauty. My mom use to tell me when I was little that her & her mom would say this time of year is God's coloring book!

But speaking of Fall - I have to share the latest knitting project I just finished. My "Autumn" socks. Now - this is the response I got from my husband when I showed him my socks - "Those are the UGLIEST pair of socks I have ever seen!" - Honesty...hmmm....sometimes, not so good! My response back to him - "I made these for you sweetheart!" (I really didn't, but just wanted to see his reaction!) So, Okay - they may not be the prettiest socks - but they are great for the Fall season - all the oranges & browns. I got this yarn on clearance from Knit Picks last year - (maybe the yarn was so ugly they had to put it on clearance?). I reminded Ricky that I could have spent a good $25 on some PRETTY sock yarn - that changed his tune! (Hehe - I know just where to hit him!)

I did feel a little redeemed though. Me, Ricky & Lindsay were waiting for a seat at Olive Garden (is there ALWAYS a wait there?) & I 99% of the time carry my knitting with me - mainly for times like this - stupid waiting periods. I pulled out my sock & started working on it. A lady came over to me & asked if that was really a sock. Yep! She said she had never seen anyone make a hand made, knitted sock - she was amazed! (It really is quite easy!) Then she said something that made me have to give Ricky my "TOLD YOU SO" look - she said, "That's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!" OH YEAH! So now, when Ricky makes comments about my "ugly" sock - I can remind him of my nameless friend from Olive Garden who has some good taste!
(I wish I had enough yarn left - I would TOTALLY make Ricky a pair for Christmas! HEHE!)

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