Sunday, October 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Lindsay

The baby is 19 years old today! I can't believe it - shoot, she can't believe it! I came into Lindsay's life when she was 4 yrs old. She has told me before that she cant really even remember a time when I wasnt there. Its been amazing watching her grow into the young woman she is. She truly has such a compassionate heart & probably worries more about every one else's feeling more than herself more than anyone I know.

Its great because me & Lindsay can sit for HOURS on end & just talk about things - fun & serious. I just enjoy her so much - blessed to have her in my life.

And as you can tell from the picture - she got some yarn for her birthday. I got the blame for her addiction to yarn, but I was quick to put the blame where it truly belongs - with Julie who taught us all to knit! So we enjoyed Lindsay birthday having lunch with friends, then going shoe shopping & ending it with a birthday cookie, & knitting for hours on a new project. A perfect birthday for a teenager? She thought so! We love you Lindsay - you'll always be our baby!


  1. More yarn huh? I bet Ricky didn't have any part in that! I know how much he loves you guys yarn fetish lol.

  2. Ha ha, that's great! More yarn! The topic of our lunch conversation...funny.

  3. A girl can never have too much yarn!


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