Monday, October 15, 2007

Today's the test!

Only a few hours before Ryan's test! Pray hard for him. He was feeling the nerves all day yesterday. We were able to hang out with him for 99% of the day & we tried to get those nerves out of him by some physical activity. We enjoyed playing tennis together, but it took a 8th grade girl to kick all of our adult butts around that court! Hey - me & Jordan tied so I "officially" didn't get beat! The test is in less than 2 hrs! He told us he would call us as soon as he found out his time - he's praying for anything under 7 minutes (WOW!) but anything in the low 7 minute range is still great. Just lift up a quick prayer for safety, speed & strength for Ryan this morning! I'll post an update later of the official time!


OK - we just heard from Ryan - poor thing is sicker than a dog today!!!! He wants to spread the word to a few people first on how it went! I'll share the time tomorrow - all I'll say - God is so good! (Wait till you hear the story!)

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you're going to tease us like that! However, knowing Ryan, I think I'm already excited. And I know Steph is dancing a jig in heaven! Between this and Amber doing her clinicals, I'm sure she can't get the smile off her face. Way to parent, Steph!


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