Monday, November 12, 2007

Making a switch

My poor husband! He is about ready to face one of the biggest things in his life. He has been at his current job for 27 years! He started there when he was 18 years old - just a young teen - & is in the same place all this time later! It's all he's ever know. They are now selling their building which is on Main Street in Downtown Louisville - its where the new mall will be going up - right down the street from the new Arena that is being built. The business will be going to the factory which is the size of a garage - big change! Needless to say, they wont need Ricky anymore. The good news - he's already been offered a job; the bad news - he's scared to death! Can you imagine - being at one job for your whole life & to make a change now? He's comfortable with his job, of course, because it's all he knows - & now he'll have to learn everything new. So needless to say, he's a nervous wreck right now. He was planning on sticking with the business until the end, but this opportunity has come up & his head is spinning on what to do. Some people think its a clear cut decision - but if you know Ricky - nothing is every clear cut! His mind has thought up all kinds of scenarios & situations...only confusing him more. So please pray for the guy - he needs it bad. He has to put in his 2 week resignation by tomorrow if he's going to do it! Talk about stepping outside of your box - whew wee!!

1 comment:

  1. The Ricky we've come to know and love this past year can do this. The first thing is to be in prayer unceasingly, and he's become so passionate in his walk with Christ in our home study group this past year. It's been a joy "watching him think". He has to know that we are all behind him and have confidence in him whatever his decision. There aren't many guys left anymore who have been with a job since they were 18. That shows loyalty and perserverance, especially around non-Christians. We're all praying for you, big guy! Knuckles!


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