Friday, February 22, 2008

Things I learned this week

Its Friday. What did I learn this week?

*That a drive home from Cincinnati on 3 hrs sleep the night before - feels like a drive home from California.

*That getting out of work early due to weather makes you feel like a kid again getting a day off from school due to snow.

*That kids will open up to you if you make yourself available & let them know you care.

*That Christian from Project Runway is the most FIERCE person ever on the tube!

*You can have a Bible study that lasts all day long on email with some great insight coming across & Bible Scripture to look up! What a way to make a work day go by fast!

*That this cold/flu thing going around has hit almost every single person in my family! Go mom!! She's the only one escaping it so far!

*Jumping in church can bring some weird looks, but man, its fun worshiping God that way!

*Making a budget isn't going to be easy - & following it is going to be even harder! (Yes, I'm setting money aside for yarn in my budget - its a necessity!)

*I'm looking forward to the weekend to actually catch up on SLEEP!!!

*That no matter where you're at, or what the question is - the answer to EVERYTHING is JESUS!!


  1. Rebecca, thank you for correcting me. The thing about the adoption of infants was mostly an assumption, but I do understand that it is more difficult to find homes for older children than it is for infants. "Very easy" was an overstatement.

    I actually did not respond to the protesters. I just walked away.

  2. No way about Christian-- Plus, his hair is rediculus!!!! Go Chris :)


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