Monday, March 03, 2008


Technology has become our friend! It amazes me the things you can do with computers - how small they keep getting - how portable they are. You can stay connected to anyone in the world, via Internet mind you, all in the palm of your hand with a cell phone now. Things keep getting more & more advanced & it's pretty intimidating.

Now I'm average on a computer - can figure my way around things - just because I'm sitting behind one at least 10 hours a day. But the new technology of phones, iPods, MP3 players, digital video cameras, all the burning onto can make a head spin. So when we got the Xbox 360 for Christmas, we were excited to get it hooked up to get on Xbox LIVE. Of course, nothing is every easy for us & we ran into SOOOO many problems - you can't even imagine! It's not like the machine is cheap anyways - but we're at Best Buy every week buying a new router, or a new "Thingie" (as I like to refer to most electrical devices). So here we are, rounding out February - well enough time after Christmas & we FINALLY got ourselves hooked up to LIVE!

Well, Ricky got to enjoy it the other night while I was away - but last night was the first time I got to sit & enjoy the technology myself. No - I'm not talking about my excellent rifts in Guitar Hero - I'm talking about being able to sit in front of my TV screen, put headphones on my head - & being able to see Isaac! There was that cute grand baby all the way in Texas sitting right there on the screen, looking ever so obediently into the camera! Actually, he just likes to look at the light that's around it - but I'm thinking he just wants to show his cute little face to Nanny & Pappy!

Today - he is 5 months old! And he's getting SO big! He is at the stage now where he's wanting to hold onto fingers & stand & bounce. And his new favorite thing which makes his mommy & daddy very "happy" -(yes, sarcastic tone there) - he's learned to arch his back when you lay him down or put him in a position he doesn't want to be. Already a very opinionated little boy!

Man - I was so happy to see him - but it breaks my heart to know how far away he is! I want to hold him, kiss him, & spoil him! Darn it! I'm going to be happy though that we have the technology where I can see him whenever I want! And that he can see Nanny & Pappy & know our face & know we're the people on the screen with dogs running in front of the camera all day long! ....I swear, its like the dogs KNOW there is a camera there & they LOVE to put their butts right in camera view! Sorry Julie for that angle!

Which reminds me - the dogs are getting in on the action too. Pippin - one of my grandpuppies - he was with us for a few months so he LOVED being around our doggies - when he's on the screen, Sydney will look at the screen & bark - like she knows exactly who he is! My dogs are even in on this camera action - Pippin is probably going to get his own headset so they can bark back & forth to each other. Who knows - they probably understand each thing they're saying to each other!


  1. Look at that red hair sticking out from under the bubbles!!! I am glad that Ricky didn't take back the Xbox... what a joy to be able to see that little love bug!!!! I can "hear" in your "voice" that a trip to Texas is looming over the horizon!!!!!!!

  2. Those Bubbles - Julie said it is a "Bubble Tiara" for me! AAHHH! He's a little Prince!

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