Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Charity Knit

I am SOOOOO excited! Tonight - I will passing out instructions for a Charity Knit-along through the knitters at my church. We're going to be doing squares with patterns that will be stitched up together to make baby blankets. They will then be delivered to the local hospital where my Sister in laws mother works with babies in Intensive Care. I've got 16 people that will be involved to start so I'm praying that more will be interested in learning to knit & joining us as we will hopefully spread some warmth & love to these little babies.

This first pattern will be made in Spring, light colors with the patterns being centered around "hearts". I'll post a picture when the finished project is done. I'm excited to see how it all turns out!

Oh - and make that 17 people - Julie will hopefully be joining in though she's in Texas. That's what makes mail so cool sometimes - she's already been emailed the pattern & she's the quickest knitter I know .....& the one who taught me how to knit - so she has to be included!

Lift up a little prayer that this could be a new ministry that could touch so many families. Let the knitting begin!


  1. Good for you! You will be able to touch many lives.
    I can't wait to hear how it progresses

  2. Hi, thanks for stopping by the Skein. Yes the alpaca show was at the fairgrounds. I think another show will be there soon. Not sure when. I have heard some talk about it.

  3. Make it 18 - I'm going to teach Amy McArthur all I know so far!

  4. That sounds awesome...what a neat ministry!!


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