Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I LOVE "Lost" - look forward to all the kookiness of trying to figure out this show (I gave up actually - I'm in it just for the shock value now) - but I ran across this & was CRACKING up! The funniest part - after I got done watching it, I hit a wrong button on my computer & said, "WHAT?" I laughed for 10 minutes afterwards!


  1. That is crazy!


    No wonder no one can figure out that show.

  2. We actually quit watching it b/c it was getting too crazy. The last one we watched is the one where Desmond kept going from the past to the future. It was just too far fetched for me!

  3. I didn't watch the video but I've given up on it too!! Hanging my head here...because I've watched it for so long but now I just can't bear to stay up until 10 to watch it 11 is sooo late to go to sleep...lol!!

  4. WHAT?!?! Wow - wonder if there's one for Grey's Anatomy's "seriously"

  5. ROFL!!!!!

    It was almost dizzying to watch that, but I loved it! I think I especially liked Jin's first "What?"


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