Saturday, May 31, 2008
Time for some cute!

Friday, May 30, 2008
Things I learned this week
*A 3 day weekend is just what is needed sometimes - a extra day of sleep!
*Dont ever lock a Labrador Retriever in a room while company is there when they want to get out! It'll end up costing you! For us - its going to cost us a new room of carpet that our Lovely Lab pulled up trying to CLAW her way under the door!
*I'm now a Pampered Chef fan - loving the Stoneware!!!!
*Having someone pray over you & hearing words that only the Spirit could put in their mouth is soul-shaking!
*Watching a friend hurt & suffer with life decisions is heart breaking & makes you feel helpless
*Watching the LOST Finale has me even more confused but even more excited for next year!
*There's nothing like spending time with friends & their families - especially when they make you feel like a part of their own family!
*With the countdown being under a week for a visit from Julie & the baby, excitement levels are getting HIGH!!!!! (I cant WAIT to get my hands on that baby!!!!)
*People take for granted their feet - because let me tell you - when they hurt & it hurts to walk - you'll realize how nice it is to have feet that give you no problems!
*Are we seriously at the end of the 5th month? Didn't the beginning of the year just get here?
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Clara Barton, the Founder of the American Red Cross was reminded by a friend one day of a vicious deed someone had done to her years before. Clara had been deeply wounded by the incident. But when it was brought to her attention, she acted as if she was completely unaware of the hurtful attack.
"Don't you remember it?" her friend asked.
"No," Clara replied & paused. "I distinctly remember forgetting it."
All of us struggling with forgiveness need to burn this phrase into our minds: I distinctly remember forgetting it!
....what an example of Christ Clara was to her friend - or even more to the person who had wounded her. To imagine that God forgives us the same way when we seek repentance! Oh - That we could learn to look at forgiveness in the same way!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The Blessed Sock!

Monday, May 26, 2008
Feeding off others
When you're around people who are fun & love life, & just laugh & enjoy things - dont you notice that no matter how bad a mood you are in, you end up right along with these people? You are just like those kids - your mood changes - you are instantly lighter, finding humor in things that just weren't too funny a few minutes ago - you end up feeding off of people & the energy & mood that they put out.
That got me thinking how important it is to have people to hang around that love the Lord! The people that treat others like they should, or the people that find happiness in the easy things of life - the people that encourage you & pray for you - the people that lift you up even when you are at your lowest!
I have to say - I am extremely blessed with people in my life that Love the Lord - & more importantly, let me feed off their attitudes! I can't imagine where I would be in my life without them! Thank you Lord for all the "good company" I get to be around!
"Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character" - 1 Corinthians 15:33
More importantly above it all - do you keep company with God himself? We need to always feed off of Him & His word.....be good company for others - encourage others character!
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Stephanie's Hope
I'm going to give you a little back story of it all, but feel free to check out the blog & watch out for updates on what's happening & events that will be scheduled.
We were coming up on the dreaded anniversary dates & Ryan, Amber & I were just not looking forward to all the memories that were going to be swarming us. Then, I got a phone call from my awesome friend, Lynn. She told me she was preparing supper when this vision hit her. It was a vision of a dedication of Steph's life. A way to look at this time we were coming up on & to not be dreading it, but to look at it as a future, a hope! Lynn shared with me what she envisioned & asked if I thought it was something that the kids would be on board with. Immediately, the dread I was feeling myself had turned into something so exciting! I knew the kids were going to love it as well!
The vision that we believe God had given to Lynn is the bases for this Scholarship Fund. Stephanie had the biggest passion for missions & to just help the world! Help anyone really! But the larger picture for her were the people who had so much less than we did. Steph's ultimate dream was to travel to Africa herself & to just "hold those babies"! She didn't get to fulfill that dream herself but now, with this Fund, we are hoping to send others out into the Mission Field - to be a blessing to someone so they can be a blessing to others!
So this video was created as a quick introduction to the Fund & to highlight just a little of who Steph was & the hopes of this project. I know we so badly wanted all the kids involved but with short notice, Ryan & I were the only ones available to jump in front of the camera. Amber in on a MUCH NEEDED vacation with the kiddos (Hello Mickey Mouse!) & Nina & Rollie are far away - but we're hoping as events get closer, we'll see more & hear more from the all the kids - & some great words from the cutest grandkids too!
So, for those who haven't seen it - here is the video! It was hard to get in front of camera & try to put Stephanie in a few short words & what this would mean to her - words cant even describe really - but I think it all turned out pretty good! Thanks Barry for the awesome editor that you are!!
And of course, we are excited to see this project grow, not only as a dedication to an incredible woman, mother, wife, & friend - but we are excited to watch God work through it & for all the glory & honor to be given directly to Him!
Monday, May 19, 2008
It always amazes me to go to a Christian concert or an event like this where there are over 11,000 people in one room just praising God & worshipping together - its a great sight & a great feeling to be in the middle of it. Can you imagine what Heaven is going to be like? WOW!
But Joel had a great message on Encouragement and the power it holds for you & for others.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 "Therefore, encourage one another & build each other up"
I LOVE the topic of encouragement. I love to be able to encourage people & to see their face light up when they know that someone believes in them & of course, its always a wonderful feeling when someone encourages me as well! But it was a great reminder of how much encouragement means to some people.
Joel had the statistic of people in prison - 75% of them had one time or another had a family member who told them they would end up nowhere, or in prison - & there they were! Would it have made a difference for someone to speak into them encouragement & to say, "You are going to make something of yourself" - do you think it would have made a difference? I believe it would have! People need to know that someone is behind them, rooting them on!
A cute story he told - a man would go up to children & tell them that he had the ability to pick a winner! And he would get a child, walk around them, look them up & down, have a facial expression of taking notes to himself & just pondering this child. At the end, he would look at them & say, "I can tell you, 100% assurance, you are a winner!" - the child's face would light up & run back to their parents & tell them "I'm a winner!" - at that moment, they probably felt like they could do anything. Could you imagine the things that child could do if every day, they got that affirmation that they were a winner!!!
Now think about how much God tries to encourage us! With friends, guidance, His Word - so much encouragement to keep us on the road of fighting - to believing in ourselves that we are His child & we can do anything that He leads us to! He is that man walking around us, eyeing us up & down, & looking at us & saying "I can tell you, 100% assurance - You are a winner!"
So I challenge you to encourage someone this week! Give a word, a note, a phone call, an email - something that would encourage someone in your life! Let them know that you are behind them - that they can make it through whatever life is giving them - that they are a child of God - that's all it takes to be the best winner of all!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Its sort of scary when you now have to "budget" in where you are going for the day & to try & get everything done in one swoop so no back tracking. I use to drive a huge Ford Explorer (which I loved that car!) - when my car went on to scrap-metal Heaven, I got what I thought was a smaller car. Yes, its smaller -but man, the gas tank must have a little gas-fairy with a straw that just drinks it up the minute it gets poured in! Am I the only one feeling the crunch at the gas station? OUCHIE!
But I did get this link this morning which tells you where gas is the cheapest around your home or work - so take a look. If it'll make my gas bill $50.00 a fill up instead of $60.00 - I'll look at it!
I'm ready to get my dad's horse & just saddle him up!! Is Hay cheaper than Fuel?
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Throwing Stones
Monday, May 12, 2008
A Princess

Friday, May 09, 2008
Jesus waiting
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Too many projects?

Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Happy Spiritual Birthday

Today is one year ago that me & my friend were baptized together. I'll never forget the date - it was 05/06/07. We had always talked together about the first time we were baptized & how many times we've failed in our Christian walk. We knew that God forgave us for things but we always said we would love to get baptized just as a sign to God that we were truly sorry & we wanted to do an outward sign to Him for that. Our goal was always to go to a river during the white water rafting trip our church put together & baptize each other. We never made that trip. When Steph got the news that time was running out for her, she wanted to go ahead & do this. She wasn't strong enough to baptize me & she also wanted her family with her to support her as she went into the water as she didn't have the strength to lean back & then pull herself back up, so we got to fill the baptismal up with people.
It was such a neat day with the whole church praying with Steph & then we got to go back & get ready for the baptism. Steph was weak & needed help getting ready, but we were still as giggly as school girls, laughing at the smallest things & just enjoying our friendship as we always did. We didn't sit & concentrate on how sad the situation could be - we just enjoyed each other & the sign we were giving to God & the acknowledgement that we would be together for eternity in the end.
When it was over with & we were back getting changed - I'll never forget it - she told me she was so glad that we were finally able to do this & she said "We'll remember this for the rest of our lives". That was 11 days before she passed away.
We were able to go out & celebrate with family & friends about the day & see so much joy in Steph's face - it was a great, bittersweet day.
So here we are a year later....
Monday, May 05, 2008
Worth the wait

And imagine this - the whole group took about 20-25 minutes to come out & pray over the audience - it was ju

Friday, May 02, 2008
2nd time a charm?
And just to let everyone get to appreciate Casting Crowns - here's one of my favorite songs of theirs "East to West"
Thursday, May 01, 2008
National Day of Prayer
I'm excited because I know my home church is offering the sanctuary to be open all day - from 6 am to 8 pm - for prayer time & people there to be available to pray with you! How cool is that! I'm praying myself that people who dont normally step out of the box of praying boldly will take advantage of this day & the places available & really feel the power of prayer work through them.
So I hope you take a moment throughout your day to pray for our Nation, the election that is coming up, the guidance of our country, our neighbors, our military & ask for God to continue to bless us, in which He so graciously does every day!