Wednesday, June 25, 2008


First, let me start off by saying I go to the best Bible Study! The people there are the best thinkers & you can just feel the Spirit among us once we get into some discussions. Love it! So, we started our new series that I mentioned before "A Heart Ablaze' - WOW! That's all I can say. It held so many revelations for all of us just in the first lesson. I couldnt even begin to explain here. But during some concerns we felt needed to be prayed for, it was suggested by the book & our group agreed that some sort of "Fast" needed to occur while we prayed for these things.

We learned that a fast doesn't necessarily have to be a "fast" of food. Fasting should be with anything that keeps you from seeking the Lord. It could be television, movies, computers games, the internet, newspapers, shopping, phone conversations - anything! "A true fast occurs when we abstain for the purpose of seeking God in a more focused manner."

So we all decided what to give up. It was interesting to see what held others back. For me - the answer is TV. I'm not lying - I started having a little bit of a panic attack thinking about giving up my TV for a week. And its just a week!!! That's nothing - but why the panic? How stupid is that? I love my shows - especially, of course, "Knitty Gritty" (& I know they're all reruns anyways, but I still love to watch it) & I love the TLC Channel with "Jon & Kate Plus 8" (aren't they the cutest kids!) & "What Not to Wear" (What are some people thinking?). So I'll have to give up these things for the next few days. I can do it!!!

It was funny though because we went home & I was feeding the dogs & I laid their bowls down & instinct & habit had me reach up to turn on the TV. WHOO - I caught myself but realize how much a habit it really is - that my body, my arm, would automatically just reach up to turn it on. How weird is that?

But I am looking forward to spending the time I watch TV at night & dedicating that to the Lord. I want to dive into some books & work on some lessons for the youth that I've been wanting to get around to - really get some good alone time with God in! That's the whole point & I'm excited to see what comes out of it - for me & for the other Bible Study Buddies!

I'm more anxious to see what happens to my poor hubby! He is giving up his biggest attention getter - his Xbox & Ghost Recon (Yes Julie - I heard you gasp from Texas!). I'm anxious to see what he does with his time now that he'll have his WHOLE nights available! I'm praying it reaches to him deeply too!

So wish me luck! And dont be coming up to me this week & asking "Hey, did you see blah blah on TV the other day?" - I'll probably scream & run the other way! But what I'm really hoping to find - that at the end of this - I'm willing to go another week, then maybe a month & then I find I'm enjoying my time with God more than watching shows that aren't really productive.

And on that note - I'll give an update! I'm doing awesome, for me, on the Diet Coke habit too! I will have probably one Diet Coke a day & I try to have that with the kind that has Splenda instead of aspartame. Progress! Slowly but surely - I never thought I'd even get to that! Oh - changes are never easy - are they!


  1. Praying that your commitment will stay strong. However, keeping your eyes on God will give you the strength you need. I am praying for you and your husband. Sounds like a good study. Hope you share more.
    In Christ,

  2. I am just thankful to be part of such an awesome group. And what will our committment mean for the kingdom??? Can't wait to see... and my new chant... instead of "must play Scrabble".... " must seek God"!!!!!

  3. Scrabble buddy....where forth art thou thy Scrabble buddy-th?

    Proud of you for taking something that you know takes alot of your time. I wish I would have known you were going to choose that -I was planning on playing Scrabble with you while I was turning the TV off! hehe!!!!

  4. I knew I would hate to miss this one with you guys.

  5. We gave up tv for lent this year and used the time to pray together of read our Bible together instead. At first, yes there was panic, because lent if a loooooong time! But I am so grateful we did it, and it has totally changed our outlook on tv since. That was back in Feb-March, and we have cut out so much tv since then. We canceled our cable, and now only use the tv for movie watching on occasion, and a small handful of shows throughout the week, which we record and watch on the weekend. It has freed up so much time to use to spend with God and with each other and Isaac, and we now make memories that will last a lifetime instead of sitting transfixed in front of a screen watching someting meaningless we'll never remember. Good luck with your fast!!

  6. Wow! I applaud you! I would have a hard time giving up tv...much harder than giving up chocolate, I think.

    I'll keep you in my prayers...especially every time I turn on my own tv. I wish I had your fortitude.

  7. I'm so proud of you Rebecca. To give up your TV watching speaks volumes.

    I love everyone in our group!

    Is this study awesome or what?


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