Friday, August 22, 2008

New Look!

Well, as you can obviously see - I've got a new look. I'm a big visitor of other blog-buddies & some of them have just the cutest looks. So I've ventured out & tried to find a new look myself. The only problem - I'm so picky! You've got to be able to read the words clearly - no big background images - nothing too eye catching on the sides - I dont want to get dizzy looking at the middle because something drawing my eyes to something else. So I found the cutest little blog backgrounds - which ironically is called The Cutest Blog on the Block .

So I wish I could tell you this is the permanent look - odds are it will change. If you visited any time during the day yesterday, you probably saw different looks. I literally changed it like 25 times!!!! After getting tired of clicking & pasting - I just settled for this last night. Its sort of me though - its "nature" colors - I like that - calming! And it has a nice background that you can see but still soothing to the eyes. Do I put too much thought into it - probably? Just how I am though! We'll give this one a go though for now - but I'll warn you - you never know what look you may see when you visit me now!


  1. Let me be the first to say that it is very, very pretty!! I like the stationary thing. Maybe I am a little ADD? I love the color :)

  2. Love it! I'll have to check out that site and mix mine up a bit.

  3. Look - I've already changed it since Suzanne has already seen it!!!

  4. I like this layout. It reminds me of a scrapbook page!

  5. I love it! It is you.
    And what's this about my father getting a speeding ticket?? Haha, now I have some ammo ;)

  6. Yeah - not only did he get a ticket - he got pulled over about 2 weeks ago & that cop let him go!!!! His foot must be FULL of lead right now!

  7. I love the new background and you've inspired me to steal your idea and get myself a new creative one as well.

  8. Very nice! I agree with you about not having other things to distract. I tend to be very picky about my own blog and don't visit blogs that are too cluttered. My eyes cannot stand visual overload.

    Your new look has a clean feel to it. As someone else said, it feels natural.

    Don't be afraid to experiment with it until you find a theme that you really like. You might even be able to customize your very own (how adventurous are you feeling today)? LOL

    GREAT job. You know I love your blog, regardless of how it "looks." Your words are always very inspiring.

  9. Some blogs are tough for me to read because it seems like they are screaming in my face. This look is very pleasing. Thanks!


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