Monday, September 22, 2008

Calling all Princesses!

First of all, I am surrounded by some amazing people! Now, let me tell you the background story. My sister in law called me in a panic on Thursday. Her best friend had planned to take her daughter to the zoo for a Princess Party for her 3rd birthday but the tickets had sold out before she was able to purchase any. Everyone was in a panic because the birthday girl is a Princess freak & was so looking forward to it. So the phone call comes & my SIL says, is there any way you can put on your Belle Dress & come see her & if possible, see if any of your friends want to dress up as well. I told her I would see what I could do.

It was not a half hour later, there were 5 other ladies who were right on it & said, Count me in! Now, this was going to be a quick visit, a quick Happy Birthday Hug & not alot to it, but everyone was so willing to help out & make this little girls birthday.

So Saturday comes & we load up the car (which was quite interesting with all the HUGE dresses) & went & visited the little girls for their birthday. It was just too cute because they were speechless - just staring in awe. There is nothing like the face of a little girl who is looking thinking "They're real!"
(Look at Mini-Snow White's face - she's staring at the Princesses....that's the way she was the whole time - just staring in amazment!)

But the most amazing thing that is coming out of this......the children's minister of our church is the one who originally thought of the whole Princess Tea & got everyone started with the concept - well, she is now even thinking broader!!! She suggested that we go visit hospitals & children that are sick - or just make visits where needed & turn this into a ministry opportunity. The plans are still being worked out on that - but can you imagine my excitement? I told Ricky, "A world where I can minister in my Belle dress? How good is our God!"

I have to thank again all my AWESOME friends who didn't think twice about giving of their time to do this birthday weekend! That these ladies would put their lives on hold for a few hours, take the time to get ready, & just give of themselves....I've said it before - I'll say it again - I have some awesome friends in my life!!!!!


  1. That is such a special thing that you ladies did. I can see this ministry being something HUGE!!

    I like my princess the best though! :)

  2. Are you kidding! Like you - any excuse to put on the dress! And I just LOVED that Snow White was her favorite!

  3. How great it this? What a wonderful story! Keep us updated, I would love to hear stories of how it goes if you visit hospitals.

  4. What a great idea and ministry opportunity! I'm glad they had such fun!

  5. This is why princesses are so great! Looks like you have some very special friends. :)

  6. Awww...that is so awesome... I am just wondering why you have a Belle outfit in your closet?? wink. wink.

  7. Oh, what a great idea.
    And what an awesome ministry..

  8. What an awesome thing to do! How neat that you could share this experience with your friends too!

    I think it would be wonderful if you did go into hospitals to cheer up the sick ones.

    Isn't it incredible how God uses ordinary events to jump-start new ways to reach others!

  9. Wow! How special you made this little girl's day. And I love the idea of visiting the hospitals!

  10. That's awesome! You are very blessed to have people like that in your life.

    Great post!

  11. That is so neat! What a great idea for a ministry! I hope that all works out so that you can do it. You all look great!


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