Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Paper Gown

OK - last year was strange enough as I went for my Annual Exam, but this year was just as funny! If you havent had a chance to read up - take a glance. Remember the story of my bare butt giving knitting lessons to the doctor and surrounded by nurses. Ahh....remember? Yeah, so does all the nurses & the doctor. Memories....

I went back to the doctor yesterday, & that day, I didnt take my knitting in with me (GASP - what?) - No, instead I took my pocket Bible with me & was reading it. When the doctor came in the room while I'm sitting there in a lovely paper gown ....& speaking of which, they make some neat ones - they open on the sides & not in the back! That would have make things less embarrassing for me last year!.....but the first thing she said to me "Where's your knitting?" - I just sort of looked at her - didn't even remember the incident of last year until she said that. I just stared laughing & asked why - she said, "We have new nurses this year that wanted you to show them how to knit!"....I had to laugh - I must be known at the "Naked Knitter!"

I did tell her though, "No, I just have my Bible - I cant show you how to knit, but I can talk to you about God"! Now - again - another weird comment to make when you're sitting in a paper gown!

Can't wait to see what they expect me to doing when they walk into the doctor's office next year!


  1. I am going to have to go back & find the naked knitting post! I can only IMAGINE

  2. Hi Rebecca Jo! Thanks for the comment. My mom used to sew wedding gowns and has made some beautifully ornate quilts in the past...and I can barely sew on a button! So yeah, its very fun and something I think is in my genes...I just need to nurture it!!

    I enjoy your blog!

  3. I've always wondered what "proper" conversation is supposed to look like when you're in an almost naked state at the doctor! You're too funny!

  4. Ok, you must be the only woman to have two interesting/funny gyn visits.

  5. Oh, I've had my share of funny stories. My doctor and I talk for ever while I'm there in that paper gown. And it's funny how certain people can make those big impressions on them!

  6. LOL!

    Oh, I have to get into one of those lovely gowns at the end of the month. Ugh!


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