Thursday, October 23, 2008

Knitting & an award

I'm so excited. I finally got in the mail a blanket from the Charity knitting group - which is called the Midwest Oddball Baby Blanket Knit a long - which takes the Great Lake States (& I didnt know that included Indiana???) - but no matter - the blanket came in the mail. I'm the next in line to knit on it. The picture is the blanket I receive & I will be adding on 4 inches of another color. I'll post a picture of what I add to it when its finished - almost done. That's the benefit of being on vacation - able to knit alot.

But it was so fun because I had some goodies in there too - Tracie sent me 2 skeins of yarn, a note pad & a cute little card - how fun is that? I'm going to be working on 2 more blankets - so now that I'm involved - can't wait to get them in the mail!!!!

I also wanted to take the time to thank my blogging friend at Be thou a Knight who sent me an award. I'm excited about this one because it says I'm Kreativ!!!!! I love getting fun Blogging awards!

I have to name 6 things that make me happy & then pass it on to 3 fellow bloggers....

So, the 6 things:

1. Holding Isaac in my arms

2. Awesome worship music & singing with other Christians...such a neat feeling

3. A good hair day

4. Hearing people laugh

5. Scrabble matches

6. A knitted project that comes off the needles & turns out perfect!

Who do I pass this on to?

I have to send it first to my friend Lynn who is the most creative person I know in so many ways - in writing with her words, in her crafty life of knitting & sewing & everything she does - she COMPLETELY deserves this award

Then I have to give it to my friend Chandra who is so creative in her new job of making tutu's - check them out - they are adorable!!! I'm still saying I'm getting one myself!

And finally - I'm sending this award to Auburnchick who is another amazing knitter & is the most generous person I know with her knitting. She's constantly making gorgeous projects & sending them to friends & family & to people she doesnt even know.

So all 3 of these ladies for sure deserve this award - Congratulations! And thanks again Lianna for the award!


  1. Thanks for the award my friend! How fun!!! And what a nice compliment!!! You have far surpassed me in the writing department... you are awesome with words, my friend!

  2. OH, fun. I love good mail..
    Fun facts about you..

    Congrats on the award! Whoo Hoo.

  3. Congratulations on your award! You definitely deserve it!

    What a neat idea about the blanket. Can't wait to see what you add to it!

  4. What a beautiful blanket! And such nice goodies too!

    Thank you for my award, my blogging sister in Christ.


  5. I am so with you on #2- I just know I am killing people's eardrums sometimes, but I just can't help it! Happy weekend!

  6. Hey, I didn't really close my blog down. I just moved it. I would like you to keep reading if you want to :-)


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