Sunday, October 05, 2008

What a weekend!

It was a big weekend - full of fun, friends, blessings & of course, ups & downs.....

Friday, my hubby walked in the door with a rose for me. How sweet is that? It was the perfect rose, & it just made my day. That was a good way to start off the weekend.

Saturday morning, I got to go meet up with some friends & watch their son play football. Having Ricky's girls all grown up, I completely love to enjoy everyone else's kids - & there is nothing as fun as kids & sports. The way they play it "all or nothing" - I just smile at them. And the little cheerleaders are just too adorable - everything about it just makes you happy. Oh, to have the energy & pep of these kids! Was I ever like that? I dont remember.... guess its been awhile since then.

And Sunday was the big event for Stephanie's Hope Scholarship Fund - the event that was planned in memory of my friend Stephanie which raises money for a scholarship for people who want to go on a mission trip. There was a BBQ lunch & it was just a perfect day for the event. People came out & supported it & it was just well received.

It made me miss my friend so much on a day where it seemed like certain things could fall apart - but then you do an event like this & see that no matter what, people are good, people are full of support & God is full of love that He shows through different ways. I know Stephanie would have been so happy for the funds that were raised & the idea that it will help someone fulfill a dream of going on a mission trip around the world.

It was just awesome to see so many people who knew Steph & those that didn't know Steph there to support this new Mission Event. Oh - that those that never had the opportunity to know her ......if they could see what an amazing person she was......but I think they see it through her kids - her son, her daughter & her grandkids were all there working & serving. What a testimony her family is.
(The picture is one of Steph's grandbabies working to serve the drinks - how big she's getting!!)
And for those of you that didn't get to see the video before of what this event is for or all about, here is a little bit of info about it. I can't wait to see how God will bless people through this fund & to see the things God has in store for the future events. Nothing is too small for God! Expecting great things!!!


  1. Wow, it looks like you had a really busy but fun weekend.

    Stephanie seemed like an amazing lady. I am glad that a fund has been set up in her honor.

    I am sorry that you miss your friend. I hope that her memory will always warm your heart...

  2. hey thanks for comming to the game you are so fun to have around i am glad ricky got you a flower i think he may have inspired me.

  3. Awesome weekend wasn't it, my friend?! And so VERY tiring!!!! But you know what... God just proved one again that He is so faithful to those who choose to serve him, and that was an awesome thing to see!!!! Thanks for all you did to help make this event a great one! Can't wait to see where this Fund takes us!

  4. Stephanie sounded like a pretty wonderful gal. How awesome that you have a fund set up to help send people on missions trips! That is awesome.

    AND so sweet that your hubby brought you a rose. Don't you love those darling gestures?

  5. Rebecca, What a beautiful story of love and devotion to God's work. She looks like an amazing woman of faith. I'm so glad the event went so well.

    Blessings to you friend, Dawn

  6. Wow, what a great video and what an amazing woman! Thanks for sharing that!


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