Friday, November 21, 2008


Last night when I came out of Jazzercise, it was the most beautiful sight.... it was snowing! And not just that rain type of snow that is wet & yucky... but it was the fluffy, light, big ole' flakes that land on you & you can actually see the details of the flake! (Still amazes me that God creates each one differently!!!)

When I got home, I tried to take a picture of it - but have you noticed - there are some things that a picture can not capture?

A picture can not grasp the same affect of standing in the middle of those flakes landing on your sleeves.

There are other things that I have tried to take pictures of - things that take my breath away - things I could stare at for hours because of how beautiful it is.

Ever see a gorgeous sun rise or sun set & the shades it makes across the sky? A picture doesnt grab what its like to actually see it.

Every try to take a picture of your Christmas tree when its all lit up & the light sparkles off your ornaments or the ribbons from the presents below? Nope -a picture doesnt capture the same thing as if you were sitting next to it watching the lights twinkle in your own eyes.

Ever try to take a picture of a bundle of leaves in Fall with all the colors? They are awesome pictures - but not the same as looking at the colors in your hands when you stare at the colors of leaves that you pick up!

Even a baby's face.... I see some incredible cute pictures of babies (even my own nieces & grandbaby apply here!) all the time & no doubt - they are beautiful - but come on! As a parent or a grandparent or an aunt or uncle - does the picture actually capture how cute that smile is in person? Not really - when you can HEAR the laugh & giggle that comes along with that smile....

The Grand Canyon - beaches - ocean waves - storm clouds - a field of flowers....

All of these things are beautiful in photographs - but what makes them even more beautiful is that we are EXPERIENCING THEM!!! We get to touch them - hear them - see things with our own eyes - enjoy it for ourselves - it brings a whole new life to something....

So looking at that snow yesterday & trying to capture it in a picture -it made me think - can you imagine how Heaven is going to be? Or what the smile of Jesus is going to look like? We try to think about what it will look like in our mind & we can imagine the Beauty of it all - but I think its going to be even more than we imagined - even more beautiful than our minds can ever grasp!!!

Oh - the beauty that I think God has in store for us when we get to EXPERIENCE Heaven with Him!!!


  1. "I can only imagine"... the words to that song speak to this beautifully. And as vivid as or imaginations can be... it won't compare to the beauty of God's home, prepared for us!!!!

  2. I have thought those same things before. I went to Colorado this summer and all of my pictures really don't do the gorgeous mountains justice.

    I dream about Heaven and meeting Jesus face to face all the time. I get so excited about it sometimes that I cry happy tears in anticipation of all that He's been preparing for us! (o:

  3. Once again I love your post. How do you do it? I have something for you in a post I'm working on for today. Check back to see it tonight or tomorrow morning.

  4. That is SO true, I wish I had a professional camera so I can capture ALL the earth's beauty!

  5. I can only imagine how awesome it will be to be in the presence of Jesus forever! Come Lord Jesus, come!

  6. An amazing sight it will indeed be!! How fun to have some pre Thanksgiving snow. We only get a day or 2 a year of it. But it's so gorgeous when it does.

  7. You've made me homesick for Heaven this morning!

  8. So true! I LOVE taking pictures, but you are right, the real pleasure is in the experience.

    Praying for you!


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