Monday, November 24, 2008

Scavenger Hunt

Our youth group had it annual Scavenger Hunt Saturday... I got to team up with some of the girls that I went to see Twilight with - so it was another night that I knew was going to be fun!! We got our clues & the point was to figure them out & take pictures with digital cameras at each location with each clue being different point levels.....

This one - how many people can you fit on a buffalo... yes there is a buffalo underneath there!!!

Another clue was to find Sponge Bob in a Hardware store.... we walked in & the guy who worked there was SOOO THRILLED (being sarcastic here) when we asked him if Sponge Bob was around

We also had to do a pyramid in front of a Mexican restaurant. (We actually got the clue wrong & was in front of the wrong place- but it was fun anyways) - one of the girls is a cheerleader (the one on top) so she knew just what to do!

Had to put on all kinds of clothes in Wal-Mart...(And yes - we were good girls & put everything back!)

And had to find Princess movies with a tiara - & as you can see - the one who was named to have the tiara is so ANTI-Princess - we loved having her hold it!

Had to get a picture with an associate with a Santa hat - we couldnt find Santa Hats so we did the next best thing - putting Santa's on our heads!!! I thought it was pretty clever if I do say so myself!

Along the way - we had so much fun - we went & started taking pictures at the most random places & doing the most random things.... we had the most amazing time - laughing & screaming - you can imagine with a car load of girls.

Then we had an idea - lets go get our picture with Santa Claus. Well, the scavenger hunt was only 2 hours long & we had to be back at our home base at 5:05....we thought, lets go for - it'll just make us about 10 minutes late....we get there - Santa is on dinner break.... AAHHH MAN!! So I made the leader, executive decision to wait it out - we were going to be late anyways & we were there anyways - so we hung out at the mall for about 30 minutes - eating cookies, looking at Twilight stuff & just having fun hanging out - so here's our picture of us with Santa

Needless to say - we ended up being an HOUR late getting back - oops! So all the points we got for the Scavenger Hunt - they were all deducted (loose 5 points for every minute we're late)...but all the girls didn't care - they wouldn't trade the night of fun for anything.

The best part - we all went & got some coffee & french-vanilla flavored yumminess & went to Crossroads & talked for hours! We laughed our butts off....Erica can tell the funniest stories of anyone I know!!!

What a fun night- any chance these girls can get to grow in their friendships with each other & to allow me to be a part of their lives - there is not a word that even describes the blessing they all are in my life!

(All girls from our small group!! Each one special in their own way!!!)

As we are nearing Thanksgiving - I am truly Grateful for each one of these girls & each one of the kids in our youth group that are in my life!


  1. That looks like so much fun!! I've always wanted to do that for my daughter's birthday, but I would have to work out the logistics.

  2. How fun! I love scavenger hunts. Who cares if you didn't win, it's all about making memories and having fun!! They are blessed to have you in their lives.

  3. That's so fun! I have not done a scavenger hunt in years!! They look like they had fun and you are making an impact for the future in their lives. That's the most important part!

  4. Aw, what a fun night.
    I love photo scavenger hunts..
    I also loving out with fun people..

  5. wow i love scavenger hunts looks like everyone had a blast...

    stopping by from SSS just to let you know I have a SSS update post up today please stop by

  6. I remember doing these things in high school youth group! Oh what fun!!

  7. Buffalo? Where?! :-) Your girls are so cute!

  8. How fun! It looks like you girls had a blast. I love scavenger hunts!!

  9. Oh my, ya'll are soooooooooooooooooo cute! That looks like so much fun. I still remember my youth group leaders - they made quit an impact on my life as you are obviously making with them!

  10. Oh that looks so so so so so fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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