Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight Night

So yes, I was in the Twilight madness at the movies last night!!! It was incredibly fun!!

I met up with some girls from my small group & RYAN - how funny is that - one guy in our group of 8!!
We ran & got some candy, got to the theater & the lines were INSANE!!
The theater was completely sold out - not a seat left in the place!!!!!
When the lights went down - everyone started clapping & screaming - it was so much fun with the energy that was in the room. When Edward's face first came on the screen - the theater BLEW UP with screams - it was fun....stupid me - I thought I was going to tear up....WHY? I don't know... but it was so exciting! Then when Charisle came on - again - the screams...I'll admit - I even screamed on that one - he is one of my favorite characters in the book! Then it was like we blinked & the movie was over....
What did I think - of course, the book is so much better (aren't they always!) but it was really good! Going to go back again..... Loved putting faces with the names in the book. And it was funny coming out - the lines for the next showing was already completely wrapped around the lobby!
I took my camera for pictures - but forgot it in the car as we were running to get inside....Friends took pictures & I'm waiting for them to send them so more of that later....

Then we went out to eat & its always so fun to just sit around & talk with these incredible young ladies! The coolest part of the night - our bill came....Ryan ended up picking up the tab & said - if you want, just leave what you want for a great tip - let's make our waitresses night! So our bill was $40.55 - but we ended up leaving a $45 tip!!!!! We just signed the back of the receipt with a note that the youth group from our church wanted to give this waitress a blessing..... We were so excited to give it to her.... hope she felt blessed by it!!! It was late & she looked tired so hopefully her night ended on a good note!!! I loved that the girls were excited about it too!!! They talked about it all the way home - I think they'll remember that for quite awhile.

But talking to Ryan at the end of the night -we both noticed something - the screams & the awe for the character of Edward. How girls - even me at my age & there were women much older than me there - we all have that thing in us that craves & screams for the perfect man - the man who will give protection & security - the man who shows loves completely - that will never leave us - that will do anything to stay with us ..... sound like someone we know? So many things came to mind about how Jesus cares for us & the relationship he WANTS to have with us.... really want to work now on a lesson for these girls to show them this point.... Pray for me on that because the girls really love this character & I think it could potentially hold an incredible lesson there!!!!
Does the perfect man exist - yes - only one!!!! Thank God for Jesus!!!


  1. Glad to hear you enjoyed it. There have been some mix reviews about the movie.

    Can't wait to see what you manage to "destash" for the Throw Out 50 Things Challenge!

  2. How sweet of Ryan to pay for everyone, and what a wonderful gift you gave to that waitress! I wish I could have seen her reaction!

  3. I have to wait until Wednesday to see it. But I can't wait!!! We have a whole day of movie and cocktails planned.

    I know what you mean about tearing up, I always cry at parades because the people in them seem so excited and happy.

  4. I am so inspired by you and how you bring everything back to God and his unending love. Of course I'll pray the girls see your point and the importance of the bigger picture. I know watching you and your husband also shows them how a healthy relationship with each other and God can be so beautiful and inspiring as well.

  5. I screamed when Jasper came on!! Edward is okay but come on Jasper and those eyes!!

  6. I'm glad you guys had such a great time at the movies!! How sweet that you left that huge tip--I'm sure you made that lady's night!

    I feel very out of the loop not having read Twilight--I had better read it soon!

  7. Yes, there were screams in my theater too!!!
    Ah! I LOVED it! I'm going to see it again this week!!!!!!!!

    And I bet you made that waitress' whole week!!!!!!

  8. That was an awesome idea for your waitress! I know she was tickled!! Our pastor once told us you should never pray over your food if you're not going to leave a good tip...b/c that's a horrible witness. So, you guys were a GREAT witness to her!!

    Sorry I haven't been by to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for my award!! That was just sooo sweet of you! Hopefully I'll have time to get a post up and pass it on in the next day or so. I have 20 people coming for Thanksgiving, so I'm running around like crazy trying to get everything done....but I love it!!

    Thanks again, sweet friend. It's so nice to know you!!

  9. That is such a sweet thing to do for that waitress! I bet she teared up when she saw that! I love random acts of kindness...I'm getting ready to post about this.

    And you have convinced me! I'm about to get Twilight-ed :)

  10. Glad you liked the movie. I loved it! Have seen it three times already.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving.


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