Sunday, December 07, 2008


I have to thank Jen from Following the Footsteps for thinking my blog is FABULOUS!!!! I have loved this award since I've seen it going around..... anything with a stylish lady & the word Fabulous on it - who doesn't want to be called that???? Jen definitely deserves it & as a new blog buddy - I too think she is quite Fabulous herself....So thank you Jen for the kind words & the award!!!

Now, onto rules....

Name five addictions & then pass it onto five people who I think are pretty Fabulous too! So my addictions

1. Of course, my number one addiction is YARN!!! I'm completely, 100%, whole heartedly in love with yarn. I love to feel it, look at it, knit with it, get excited about what it can become... I love to "STASH" my yarn just to look at it & wonder what my next project is.... I know - I need help!!!

2. Blogging... I love everything about it... meeting some incredible people, hearing amazing stories, being inspired & challenged to think, share a part of my life.... its an amazing way to learn so much about others. I truly have to check out others blogs on a daily, (if not hourly) basis to see what's going on with other blog buddies. I truly get excited to see what's going on in their lives

3. Trail Mix.... right now, I'm so addicted to Trail Mix from Sam's Club... it is FULL of Cashews... & M&M's... the real kind - not a knock off chocolate candy... I can't get enough Trail Mix (Actually just had some right before I typed this)

4. Laughing.... I love to laugh - try to laugh daily - & try to do it quite often in a day.... "Laughing is my favorite thing" (know what movie that's from?)

5. And finally & certainly not the least - I'm whole heartedly addicted to my Savior - Jesus Christ.... I keep him at the forefront of my mind every day - want to be more like Him - want to share him with others - want to live for Him!!!! I think He's a wonderful addiction to have!!!!

So - who do I think is pretty Fab - well its hard to pick five - but thats the rules - so here are five fabulous blogs:

1. Dawn's Cottage Corner
2. Ministry so Fabulous - how do you NOT give it to her - she already has "Fabulous" in her name!!!!
3. Simply "Jenn"sational - isn't Sensational & Fabulous close to the same thing?
4. Heaven's Gift
5. All Things in Moddy


  1. Thank you for your kind words! I am so glad we've become blogging friends!!

  2. Oh I agree - I love to laugh! I always sang that song from Mary Poppins and it would make me giggle again. :)

  3. Hee, "Elf!" And,you ARE fabulous!

  4. Lynda... that's what I was thinking of - but now that I thought about it more - I think its "I like to smile" ??? Now I'm confused... got refresh my "ELF" knowledge!

  5. Whoohoo, thanks! I've gotta say, I've seen this award going around and have been coveting it! (o: THanks for thinking I'm fabulous too. Glad to have met you via blog-world! (o:

  6. COngrats on the award - and I am with ya on just about all of those addictions ... maybe not the trail mix, but I guess if it was in the house on a regular basis I could be!!!

    And thank you for finding my Blog - I love to make new friends and ESPECIALLY of they have awesome names!!!

    Becky Jo

  7. congrats on your award and thanks so much for mine! So very sweet of you!

  8. Congratulations on your award! I agree -- I think you're FABULOUS, too!

  9. You are totally fabulous and deserve this award! Thanks for being such a good bloggy friend!

  10. You ARE fabulous! and your list was too!! =)

  11. Yum, love Sam's trail mix, but strangely enough, I like it cold. We put it in the fridge! So wierd.


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