Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Do you know?

I just started reading the book "Cast of Characters" by Max Lucado & am loving every minute of it.... I want to keep reading straight through but am making myself stop & reflect of each character that he talks about. I've already been through Joseph - which was interesting since we dont know much about him, & I just read about Matthew.

Mr. Lucado spoke upon how Jesus was walking - saw Matthew - said to "follow me" - & he said "Alrighty then"... not those exact terms, but you know.

And at the dinner that Matthew had for Jesus where they invited "other disreputable sinners" - the Pharisees ask "Why does your teacher eat with such scum?"... lets look at Jesus' answer:

"Healthy people don't need a doctor - sick people do. Now go & learn the meaning of this Scripture: "I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices". For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners" -Matthew 9:12-13 NLT

Oh snap! Jesus had some good come backs - didn't he? But what hits me the most - those who THINK they are righteous & those who KNOW they are sinners?

Why did that hit me so hard? Because we live in a world where so many people love to point fingers & point out everyone's sin & never looking at their own. Thinking they could never be as bad as that person or do what they've done - THINKING they are righteous?

Believe me - I KNOW I'm a sinner!!! Do you point fingers & think how much better you are than someone else? Or do you know you are a sinner? If so - take heart - Jesus came just for you!


  1. I'm so thankful he came for me. I know I am a sinner. Oh how I pray to be a better mom, wife, Christian, friend...The list is endless. Thank you again Sister.

  2. Sometimes I don't think that "sinner" is a harsh enough word to discribe what I am... but oh... what I am IN CHRIST!!! A NEW CREATION!!!!!!

  3. I'm reading Max Lucado as well, "That's Why They Call Him Savior" it's my "book of the week". Have you read it?

    I haven't even heard of this one is it new?

    Okay done with the questions for now =)

    Have a GREAT day,

  4. I wish we could get this message out to all the hurting (sick) people out there who need our Doctor! I am so glad to have Him too :)

  5. How very interesting! I don't know that I've ever really noticed what you pointed out in those verses!

    I don't know if you've heard about the Way of the Master ministry. It's a wonderful ministry based on using the law to show people that they are sinners.

    The first question they ask is, "Do you think you are a good person?" It's amazing how many people say yes. Then, some of the law (10 Commandments) is presented, and later, the question is asked again. Some still claim they are good, but others come to realize how bad they really are.

    Words to ponder today. Thanks!

  6. I LOVE Max Lucado and think I need to read this book- it sounds awesome!!!

  7. Oh snap! I know I'm a sinner! I definately need help in that area, and I haven't met on person who wasn't a sinner.

    Oh snap! (I love that you wrote that about Jesus' come back)

  8. That's one of my favorite scriptures, and is why I tend not to quote scripture a lot. If I am to tend to the sick, I need to do in in terms they can understand rather than "medical/scriptural terms." Then I move on to scripture once they understand the what I am saying on a basic level. I've found that many "sinners" don't respond as well to scripture quoting as they do to showing you understand where they are coming from and telling them Christ keeps no records of rights and wrongs.

  9. Oh, great post. Is this a new book by Max Lucado? I haven't read it yet.

    Gonna have to check it out. I love his style of writing, and making the bible easier to understand.

    Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog today!

  10. Max Lucado is my favorite author. Every one of his books speaks to me and helps me to become closer to God. I havent read Cast of Characters yet, but it is on my wish list.

  11. I LOVE that verse. Jesus totally puts it in perspective.

    And I LOVE Max Lucado. That man is a genius.


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