Friday, January 16, 2009


I read the coolest statement about a friendship .... it said:

"They were like two keys on a piano - alone they made music, but together they made harmony"

It instantly came to mind on our last Women of Faith trip. Sandi Patty, who is an INCREDIBLE singer in her own right, just belted out the most beautiful songs. But because we were in Indianapolis, her home town, her family was there along with her. And when I saw family - I mean F-A-M-I-L-Y.... her parents, all her children, her brothers & their wives & their kids... & they sang together.

The harmonies that came together made the whole arena break out in tears. There was not even music accompanying them - just the beautiful sound of a combined voice. Different ages, different lives, all singing together making just spine chilling tones.

And that doesn't deduct from a thing from Miss Sandi Patty - how awesome is she!!!! But just the difference a voice combined in harmony with someone elses - how it changed!

Isn't it cool that God gives us our own gifts, but how we combine with friends - or the family of Christ - how beautiful & harmonious the music can be? We can do things - make a noise - that we never even knew we could do... & we couldn't - on our own..... but we can with Christian friends help along the way!

May your life be full of others that you can make harmony with!


  1. I am so sorry to hear about your husband's injury... But I can see that your love and bond between two of you are truly strong and I'm glad that he's doing well.

    Thank you so much for stopping by and supporting my big day the other day (wednesday). It meant a lot to me.

    Stay in touch!!


  2. Yes, Sandi is indeed great! Sandi has postponed her Manila concert this February 09 but I am still hoping to see her soon...

  3. It is amazing how we can do things that are sooo beautiful...and touch so many....with a gift given by God....

    Thanks for the post...and Happy SITS day

  4. You know I LOVE harmony... and I love that you have pointed out that each of our talents is cool alone, but together... they can be amazing. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. Nothing like a good ole ensemble of harmony. I love it!! I love it in life too ~~ and I love you!!!

    Have a Blessed day friend,

  6. Well I can't sing worth anything and everyone assumes I can because I play the piano. I used to play the piano for the church choir and loved listening to them and being in rythm with them.

  7. I loved this post. Sandi Patty is awesome. I wish I could have heard her sing with her family, Im sure it was breathtaking.

  8. Hey! I attended the WOF conference in Vegas a few years back. Too fun! Would be fun to meet there some time in the future! Music is another way I honestly believe God speaks to our souls.

  9. I love to hear beautiful harmonies. Great post!

  10. Aloha from Hawaii...I enjoyed reading your post and glad I found your blog while blog hopping! I too love Jesus and consider myself truly blessed! I will visit again real soon! God Bless ~Liz

  11. see, i can harmonize very well but alone my voice isn't that great. with someone else, though, it is very nice. not to toot my own horn but just to illustrate...

  12. How lovely! I hope your husband feels better!

  13. I need some more harmony in my life!!! Love that quote!

  14. I have been blessed with MANY friendships. I have a best friend that I have been close to since 5th grade....she is the BEST friend I could ever ask for. I have also been blessed with some pretty incredible bloggy friends you :)

  15. I would've loved to hear that! I bet it was awesome!

    Thanks for stopping by and visiting me. =)


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