Saturday, January 31, 2009

Niece Night

Well, through all the ice & snow & power outages - a good thing came out of it - I got to spend time with my nieces. Not that that's unusual - but every chance I get, I love. My brother's home has been without power since Tuesday so they've been staying with my Sister in law's family - they dont have power either, but good ole wood burning stoves. That's good but when it comes to bath times, it jsut a quick wipe off.... so two little twins needed a warm bath & a hair washin' so here they come!

I just had to post the pictures because the best time of the night was for Bruno! He is such a lover of little ones & no exception for these two. Sophia was all over this dog. While Madi & I were playing Connect Four - or coloring in the Princess coloring book - or looking in a Beauty & the Beast Search & Find (sorta like a Waldo book) - Sophia was just content to be in the other room loving & hugging on Bruno.

He's got a new favorite person.... I dont know who was saddest when Sophia left - her or Bruno...

(Must... not... let.... Bruno....get away!!!!)


  1. I LOVE niece nights!! So much fun!!

  2. I stopped over from BSU and that dog's position in the photo is cracking me up!

  3. God bless you for bein' such a good Aunt. Blessed are those who have Aunts to spoil them rotten and love them to pieces. I am quite a bit older than my only sister. When my 3 oldest children were small, my sister was in HS & College. She was the Faithful babysitter & Fun person in my kids life. You'll always be special to your adorable nieces...BTW, what kind of dog is Bruno? What a cutie. He reminds me of my Kramer - a 14 yr old Cockapoo.

    Stop by my Blog sometime to say Hello. I'm gonna sign up to Follow you. I'll be watching!

  4. Bruno looks like one cozy, furry blanket. They are both darling. Stay warm!

    I'm enjoying your blog. I hope you don't mind, I started following you.


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