Friday, March 13, 2009


Not a fun Title - is it?

It just seems to be around alot lately - & of course, it is.

The one thing about meeting blog buddies is you get involved in their lives - & even lately, it seems there has been alot of death in that world. I've read about father-in-law's passing away with great pictures of them with their grandchildren. There is a husband who have passed away who was in his early 30's & had a rare form of cancer that took him from his two young children. There is the death of a baby that passed away two weeks before its due date. There was the story of Tuesday, a young girl that fought so hard & lost her battle.

Then, this week, we got a call at work.... I am a bookkeeper at a courier service & one of the couriers was found slumped over his steering wheel & had died of a massive heart attack. This man has been around for years - & such a nice a blink, he was gone.

And then this week, we lost a dear member of our church family. This man was such a influence in our church community & just went above & beyond for anything & anyone.

Two of his granddaughters are in our youth small group & talking with them - that's where it breaks my heart.... they had never lost anyone close to them & let me tell you - this family is like a TV family - one of those ones that make you sick because they are so close - they do exist! And this family is so strongly centered around Christ - there is NO DOUBTS that this man is walking with Christ right now... its just always so hard for those left behind - isn't it?

These girls ask such deep questions & they ultimately know the truth, but I think everyone needs to be reminded that yes, our bodies are frail - they weren't designed to last this side of eternity - but our souls were! And one day, we will get to be together again for eternity, worshipping our awesome Heavenly Father...... but how hard those days can be until we get there.


  1. There is a lot of tragedy going on and it's very heart-breaking. Really makes you count your own blessings, doesn't it? I lost my mom, brother, and dad in just 6 shorts years beginning in 2000. If I didn't have faith in God, I truly don't know how I would have ever survived. I am comforted by the fact that, one day, we will be together, again. Life, as you said, is so very fragile.


  3. That’s what I love so much about the bloggy word, that it’s a great support system for people that are going through these situations. Death is never an easy thing and something I don’t think we’ll ever understand on this side!

  4. Rebecca,
    Yes there is so much loss in this world. The loss of my friend has been so hard, she was so young. but God is faithful. She is in heaven with Jesus right now and she is whole. God is so AWESOME!!!!!

    Thank you for this post friend,

  5. It is the hardest for the ones left behind isn't it?
    Life is so precious. Sometimes I just zoom about taking everything for granted and then I am reminded. Thank you :-)

  6. Your words remind us all of just how fragile life really is. When my Dad died a song that comforted me was "God only cries for the living"; a great truth.

  7. BTW, if you're not familiar with the song I mentioned, you can check it out at

    I hope it speaks to you.

  8. We need to live every day as though it were our last, eh? And be ready to meet our maker when our time comes!

    Thoughtful post!

  9. I am so sorry for the personal loss you experienced this week. It's good, though, that he knew the Lord. What comfort in that!

  10. Thanks so much for being there for my grandbabies! While their family is there for them, the family is also tired and I know the girls feel that weariness. I think it's great that the girls know they have you and all the youth coaches to rely on for comfort and christian answers. I hope you all know how much these grandparents appreciate you all!


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