Sunday, March 08, 2009

Pics from the week

So here's a little glimpse of the weekend from pictures....

Saturday - two of the little doggies went to the groomers. Here is their before picture...all hairy & shaggy... poor Zoe cant even see with the hair on her eyes... but she looks so cute like that! I always say, "Where's Zoe?" & I'll lift the hair out of her eyes & she'll wag her tail...

Here is their after picture.... Bruno loves to get groomed... He is always so soft when he gets done. Zoe - she gets MAD at me! When I pick her up - she doesnt even wag her tail & she hides when we get home. This time, she was mad but she got over it quick - especially when a treat was offered.... she can see now!!!

Saturday, I got to work with my brother. You have seen the talent he put on the Jr High Youth trailer (the above CrossRoads logo is part of what he did) & now, the other side is being redone for the Senior High.... It's just always cool to see his talent at work & to help in any way. My sister in law joined along as well as his buddies who are always up to help. Pictures of the finished room will be up once its complete!!!

By the way.... that blue you see is painters tape! It came off today & MAN oh man.... looks NICE!

And when my brother is around, the best part is the twins are in tow! They were so fun. We'd be painting & Sophia would come in & say "Time for a hug"... how can you resist that? They got all comfy & CLOSE to the TV & we put in "Charlie & the Chocolate Factory" - they pulled me up a chair waiting for my favorite part (the squirrels if anyone is interested) & just laughed & laughed. Sophia said she didnt like Willy Wonka's glasses... but she'd take his hat! A girl with unique style!

And here is a picture of one of our youth who said he could jump over this table... that is waist high ANYWAYS - with Bibles piled up for even more height... DUDE jumped it!!! I thought he was going to hit his head but he pulled it off... I was freaking out... but had to take a picture! He didnt even have alot of room to run & gain speed... Look at that picture... freaks me out looking at it! We have talent in our youth - let me tell you!!!

And finally.... this is a SICK picture... but I was amazed! As I was wrapping up my trek of 5 miles Saturday, I went to grab my keys & noticed my hands were swollen!!!! I'm talking SWOLLEN like painful to bend! I knew my hands swell when I work out, especially swinging my arms alot - but this was painful!!!! Of course, I had to grab a camera for proof that exercise CAN be bad for your health! I thought my ring was going to have to be cut off! OUCH! Note to self - take off jewelry before Mini Marathon!

So... now, another week ahead!!! I'll have my camera ready!


  1. OMG! You got a LOT in one post!! ery impressive THe doggies are adorable!! Love the little after-grooming bandannas!!

    Super impressed with the wall treatment! That took a lot of patience what with the taping & all!!

    And your finger!! Oh I try to remember to take off my rings before I walk long distances OR working in the yard when it's hot - otherwise I start panicking about not being to take my rings off & images of having someone saw off my rings freaks me out. A friend told me to hold your arm high in the air & wrap something really cold around your ring finger to reduce swelling, remain calm & stay away from the hacksaw!

  2. Oh my goodness! 1. I can't believe that the picture of that boy jumping over the table....crazy! and 2. That picture of your hand looks painful!!!

  3. Your poor finger!!!!!! OUCHY!
    Your dogs look so cute and I am loving their new look. I swear I saw a pair of dogs just like yours at the dog beach today.. no chance you were in Florida... lol

  4. Sounds like a busy weekend.

    I love the squirrel part too.

  5. Wow! He leaped over the Bibles like they were nothing!!! Good going!!!

    Why are your fingers swelling? That looked painful! Did the swelling go down?

  6. Whoo--that's scary! My hands swell if I eat too many salty things, but I've never heard of swelling from exercise.

  7. My hands swell like that too when I exercise.

  8. WOW, that boy has some talent!!!! And my hands swell up like that too sometimes!!!!

  9. Your finger looks painful! I had a ring just like that one. I bought it for myself at a pawn shop after I called off my first engagement. Wanted to keep the guys away as I HATED MEN! Funny, Bird didn't even see it when he asked me to dance a month after I bought it. Can't wait to see your bros end project. Very talented!

  10. WOW Rebecca,
    What in the stinkin' world? That boy can jump!!!

    How cute are your doggies? All groomed and ready to go, too cute!!

    And girl, seriously beautiful ring, it'd be a real shame to cut that baby off, take off those rings girl.

    How are you doing with the running and your heart?

    Have a Blessed day girl,

  11. The pups look great and the twins are so cute!

    Wow--your hands did get swollen--that had to hurt!!

  12. How precious are those fur babies! They both are just adorable with their new "dos".

    I cannot believe that boy jumped over that table! And more amazing is that you caught it on camera!

    What a talented brother you have! Love the wall treatment!

    Sounds like a great weekend. Have a great week!

  13. Love your new blog look! Those pups look so cute! That was quite the high jump and your poor little hand. Great job on the mini-mar though!

  14. Love the before and after of the pups. They are darling!

    Can I get your brother over here to paint my walls like that? Looks cool.

    Ouch on the swollen hand, but congrats on the mini marathon!

  15. Oh your poor hand! (I love your ring btw) and I think I've told you this before but your dogs look just like the dog I had growing up. Their haircuts are so cute!

  16. WOW! Only 7 weeks until the marathon? I am impressed and inspired by you! Hope the swelling went down in your fingers. Anyways, your fur baby's looked ADORABLE both before and after they got groomed. Too cute!

  17. Playing some blog catch up! Table jumping=priceless!

  18. the doggies look too cute and i can't wait to see pics of the finished room.


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