Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Happy Re-Baptism Day

What's a Re-Baptism day?

Well, I grew up knowing Christ - He was always a part of my family & my family let me decide when I wanted to be baptized. I ended up getting baptized at the age of 18 - it was a great day! I ended up getting "dunked" in a baptismal pool that was dedicated to my great grandfather who was a Methodist Minister....

But my dear friend Steph & I had a conversation one day about how since we were both baptized, we have made some big mistakes in life... who doesn't screw up even after that day? We had said that we wanted to go on a yearly white water rafting trip & get "re-baptized" together as a sign to God of our commitment to Him & our willingness to keep trying!

We missed that white water rafting trip.... Steph's battle had been going on with her fight with liver cancer at this point quite awhile.... she wasnt able to make a 8 hr trip....

Then she got the news that she had less then 30 days to live.... time was running out

So this day - I'll never forget it because the date was 5/6/07 - we were rebaptised at our church.

It was such a great day.... Steph was so weak, in the baptismal are her two sons who helped her for the fact she had no body strength to life herself back up....

I'll never forget afterwards when we were in the back changing - she looked at me & said "This is something we'll never forget".... I never will
The picture above is us together on that day afterwards.....

Steph passed away 11 days later.....

We will see each other again one day.....


  1. Rebecca~
    That's one of the most beautiful things I've ever witnessed! My heart is deeply touched. I can just imagine how that's one day you will always remember. What a trememdous bond of frienship AND faith that you and your friend shared. Yes, you WILL see her, again!

  2. I know that watching this video must bring tears of sadness and tears of joy as you remember the special moment with your friend. I am so glad you had that time together. I'm sure she will be among the first to welcome you into Heaven one day.

  3. What a great story--and what a great way to remember your dear, sweet friend!

  4. I know this time of year brings some sadness into your heart, but isn't it amazing that Emily's arrival will be coming in this same season?

  5. Rebecca-
    This was absolutely touching. Thank you for sharing this beautiful, powerful story. Thinking about you on this day.

  6. Seriously, I'm crying. I was completely touched by that. Thanks for blessing my day! How beautiful. Love you, Jo Jo!

  7. That made me cry...beautiful!!!

  8. Thank you for sharing this! It is a blessing and has giving me something to think about.

  9. Rebecca- That was such a touching story! I'm sure that day will always be a day to remember. Thankyou for your inspiration :) I hope that you are having a good week!

    How funny that you love "Chocolate Candy" too! Sorry- I'm a little late posting comments but wanted to let you know I was thinking of you.

  10. What a wonderful blessing! Thank you so much for sharing, it brought tears to my touching.

  11. that is so beautiful, I'm all teary and so happy I'm at home and not at work. What a beautiful picture and story. Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  12. That is amazing!

    Thanks for sharing such a special moment with us. It's a great idea; re-baptizing every year. I'm so glad you were able to celebrate with your friend before she took the journey home.

  13. Oh my sweet Rebecca,
    What a beautiful picture of the love of our Jesus!!! What an awesome day that must have been for you. Was that the pastor of your church and his wife?

    I was re-baptized as well many years after I was first baptized at the age of seven. I had as well, made so many mistakes, and could just barely remember being baptized, so I was re-baptized about 10 years ago. It was beautiful!!

    Thank you for sharing this ~~ it makes me love you even more.

    Have a Blessed day,

  14. I tagged you today, if you want to play along.

  15. That brought tears to my eyes. I'm SO glad that you and your sweet friend were able to do that together. I'm sorry to hear she lost her battle with cancer, but Thank you Jesus, that you'll get to see her again one day! Thank you for sharing that with us!

  16. Wow, that is awesome Rebecca! Of course you will never forget that day, so special!

  17. Oh no--I'm so sorry about your friend--but how amazing that you got to do that together!!

  18. That was beautiful! She had such a beautiful smile. I'm sure that she is looking at you and saying, "We did it, Girl!"

  19. Bless your heart, that was amazing. It made me think back to when I was baptized and that was such a along time ago but I still remember it.
    Thank you Lord for a do-over!!
    Your precious friend is smiling down and enjoying all the awesome stories you're telling.

  20. The picture was enough to get me crying, I can't bring myself to watch the video. *sigh* I've been trying to catch up on blog reading and just read several tear-jerkers, now this.

    I know you miss your sweet friend and what a wonderful memory. I know you eagerly await seeing her in Heaven one day!

  21. There are no words my dear. I was going to say what Kelley said. God bless you! I know you must really miss your friend but at least we know she's in a much better place.


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