Sunday, May 03, 2009

Weekend in Pictures

So here's a little bit of my weekend captured by my cute little pink Sony camera

First, I finished a baby blanket... who's it for? I dont know.... I've just been making alot of pink & brown combo of things & thought, I need to have a baby blanket with these colors... so the next baby girl that is born & her room is in these colors - I'm ready! I'm really happy the way it turned out.. you cant really tell in this picture - but the beginning colors are a tan, then a really light color pink - then it alternates... its very comfy & soft... a perfect baby blanket...(Still gotta sew in the edges)

Then my closet project!!! Yes!!! My closet is able to walk into again! It may not look like it - but I got rid of TONS of stuff... I keep walking in it just because I can now, without stepping over irons or shoes or clothes I didnt care to hang up because they didnt fit... AAHH - closet bliss!
Moving onto the happiness part of my weekend!!! I got YARN!!! Cant say much about it - except its a Christmas gift that will be in the making... & with 7 skeins - its going to be a big project... I'm excited! I had to get new needles too - just because they sound DANGEROUS... Susan Bates SILVERADO!!! I LOVE fast needles & I think these are going to be slick as snot!!! (That's a good thing to me!!!) Oh, yarn... sweet yarn....

Then on a scary side of the weekend - I gave in! I've seen so many of you talk about this video! I decided I'm ready for Jillian to SHRED my butt as well! And with the top saying "Lose 20 lbs in 30 days" - how can I NOT try it? Ricky said he'd give it a go with me... I cant let him show me up! This will be fun! Dont let the scared look fool you - I'm excited about this... wondering how I'm going to juggle this AND Jazzercise!

Then this is the messy side of the weekend... my kitchen floor was COVERED in red paw prints... COVERED! And thank goodness I saw it immediately & got it up because it was even hard to get it up then... if it sat & settled awhile - I think my floor would have to be stained red to make the paw prints blend. Who doesnt want a red floor in their kitchen? Here's one of the dog's feet - look at Sydney licking me while I'm holding her foot.... now imagine this red on all four feet - on ALL FOUR DOGS!!! EGADS!!! (& this is HOURS later... the paws of their feet were RED...)

Where did it come from?

Get ready... hold your breath... this is the next project we started... I introduce you to the Garage from HADES!!!!

Actually, this is a project in the works already... that middle bunch of stuff... GARBAGE!!!! (Mickey - have you passed out yet?) I used to park my car in there but the walls were stacked of things that were threatening to tumble. So I'm organizing it - from cabinet to cabinet - to shelf to shelf... its ALL getting cleaned out..... I will have a recycling center in there when its finished - I will have tools in their place - I will have dog toys in a spot - This garage will be like Heaven when I'm done with it....

Needless to say - right now, its a mess & apparently, some sort of red powder is on the floor... hence the dog paws... sigh....

That's OK - I'm just shutting the garage for the day & heading back to my yarn....

Hope your weekend was a good one!


  1. love the update :-) cute baby blanket - and there's nothing i hate more than my doggies leaving pawprints all over the place! such a pain!

  2. That blanket is adorable; I love pink and brown together!

    Good luck on the new exercise video. You can do it!

    Thanks for your encouraging words about my race. And I agree, next time the hills are for someone else!

  3. I love that you posted so many pictures!! The blanket is so cute! And... I'm really thinking about breaking down and buying the Jillian video this week. Let us know what you think!

  4. What a busy girl. I hope you get everything done.
    Love the blanket.

  5. I'm afraid of Jillian. Let us know how it goes.
    My garage is a disaster area. You inspired a partial closet clean out this AM! I didn't do a full overhaul, but I did pack one bag of clothes up for Goodwill!

  6. Love the blanket that is too cute, I'm so glad we get to see a picture! Oh Jillian that is so funny I bought it last week and my girlfriend and I have it sch starting this Tues we meet 3 times a week to do the DVD. Lord be with me I may not be able to walk by the end of the week.

    super cute post my dear!

    Stop by when you can I have a new giveaway up, I know you don't cook much but heck you may use it to look great :)

  7. You're the cutest!! How do I order a blanket from you!?? I wish I had that ability to make things like that. And you sound so like me- I've been cleaning closets AND I started a super-secret blog about losing weight....I'm really gonna try to lose 30lbs!!! Thanks for stopping by the blog....gotta love the snuggies :)

  8. Sweet blanket, love those colors together!!
    Gotta love new yarn.
    Looks like a nice weekend, well, except for the red doggie prints. LOL

  9. What a lovely blanket!! Those colors are all the rage now!

    And that garage just screams out "Yard Sale!" Go for it!

  10. That blanket you made is super the color combination! I've heard that Jillian kicks booty, so watch out! She scares me! :)

  11. I want half of your energy! You are a bundle of energy lately! I'm so jealous!! Love the baby blanket - great colors!!

  12. Pink and brown is a great combination... I wonder where you've heard that from??? :)

  13. Good job on the closet! I need to do that to my closet too, there are way to many clothes in there that I don't even wear!

    Yay for yarn!

  14. OK ....I am starting to feel REALLY pressured/ convicted about the Shred! I think it's "calling my name"!

    Let me know how you like it!

  15. All this exercising and cleaning... you are making me look bad Sister Friend!!! And does BOB have a video??? I am thinking that Jillian is Satan's sister... okay, maybe she isn't THAT bad... but close.

    Love the blanket... love the yarn... now THAT made me wanna shop... Mickey WILL be mad at you over that!

  16. i bought the jillian video in Jan. it is still in plastic wrapper..guess i didn't really want to shred myself.
    i love the baby blanket! beautiful!

  17. that baby blanket is adorable and I love the colors.

    i really hate when my boys track in mud and I don't notice right away... especially if they bring it on the carpet.

  18. Mickey (I'm really not that anal)May 4, 2009 at 9:55:00 PM EDT

    I had a garage like that one time, it was in a dream...or wait I mean a nightmare. Sounds like you could be ready for a garage intervention. I'm available, you know my number.

  19. Sounds like a great weekend. That blue yard looks denim. And I love love love that pink and brown blanket.

    Good luck with the Shred some exercise for me ok?

  20. You certainly did have a busy weekend!

    The baby blanket is precious! Great job!

    Yay for an organized closet! Mine still is, for the most part, from my purge, but needs a little bit of TLC.

    Uh-oh on the red puppy feet! Glad you got that figured out quickly. Looks like it could've been a not-so-good turnout!

    Looking forward to seeing the project that required new needles and lots and lots of yarn! =)

    Good luck with the workout! =D


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