Monday, June 15, 2009

...just sad...

Well, my house is very empty right now.. silence has never been more deafening...I of course cried at the airport & bawled all the way home, which wasnt good since we sat in 45 minutes of traffic... coming home & seeing toys laying around only twisted the knife in my gut... so excuse me while I just take another day to be sad....

I think Ricky is even worse then me - his little buddy is gone. Ricky even said sitting in traffic - "I always say dont get emotionally attached! And now, I just feel a hole in my heart!"... yeah, you cant stop love!

Even the dogs are going to miss him! Who else just smiles while sneaking down food! & Isaac would just grab Zoe & hug her through the day - or snuggle with Bruno - or just push Buffy out of the way... lots of dogs for constant entertainment!

And this little cutie is the only one I can walk into a room & see doing this - & I just laugh & take a picture... if Ricky were to pull all my yarn down, it would be MADNESS... instead, I just say "That's the cutest thing I've ever seen!"

Oh, how I'm going to miss this face.....

Counting down... 4 months till the next visit...


  1. I love that yarn pic!

    It is sad to say good bye. When I worked at camp, we would say, "No good-byes....see you later!" Which was true, because in just 9 more months, they'd all be back and it was like they never left!

  2. The Yarn Picture... now THAT is true love!!!! And you would KILL Ricky if he did that...

    Four months isn't so long... and you can do the web cam thing in between... and you made some fantastic memories this weekend... just keep doing that!

    And go ahead and cry... and be sad... it is OKAY!!!! But you won't be sad for long because each time you think of that little face I PROMISE you will smile!!!

  3. Four months is not too bad - but that's going to be hard enough. That is one handome little feller!

  4. aww - I hope you are cheered up soon!

  5. That is so sweet and I'm sad for you!!! :( Just keep thinking of the memories you made and that will make you smile!

  6. I know how sad it is when visitors leave, I always feel a bit empty after a great visit.
    I love that yarn picture! So adorabe!

  7. Oh my gosh he is just a doll! That picture with all that yarn is hilarious! And a little disturbing that you have so much yarn, I think you're right, you do need to go to knitting anonymous!

    And have I told you before that I'm just jealous of your husband's hair? It's just not fair he gets to have so much and I so little!

  8. It just stinks when they have to leave. That's the worst part of my sister's visits.

  9. Oh, I feel for you. Gone are the days when families all lived close together and you could see each other whenever you wanted.

    That little guy is just adorable. So glad you were able to enjoy yourself with him, if only for a visit...

    (Have you put the yarn away yet?)

  10. Awww, he is just too doggone cute!!!

  11. RJ,
    G-babes are just the best!!!!! I LOVE the yarn pic, so like a g-babe and a grandma to just laugh and take a pic. I'm with ya sister!!!

    It would be so hard to only see him every four months or so. I'd be so sad.

    Thinking of you friend,

    PS I've been having trouble getting on your site today. Blogger's been crazy lately!!

  12. Goodbyes are so hard. I think you should frame that yarn picture. How can you not smile looking at that? It made me laugh out loud.
    I know four months will fly by but it sure doesn't make you miss them any less.

  13. Oh sweetie, my heart is breaking for you! I'm crying along with you, what a sweet little guy he is. That smile just melts you!

    Take your day girlie, thinking of you!

    Big Hugs and Kisses!

  14. Ahhhh....I am so sorry :( I know how you feel...I get the same way when my parents have to go back to Texas. But, it always makes me appreciate our relationship EVEN MORE!!

  15. Oh that yarn pic is TOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I could give you a hug, and make you feel better. I know it's hard. Start the countdown! =)

  16. I bet he is missing you too...the little guy radiates such happiness; It's easy to see that he is an absolute joy to be around :D

  17. OMG he is so adorable!! It is OK to be sad!! (((hugs))) to you!

  18. He is such a darling little boy!

    It would be sad to have a quiet house (I am chanting this to myself over and over today :-)

  19. Awwwwww :(

    The yarn is hilarious!

  20. OMG what a cutie! How could you not miss that face!?

  21. What a sweetie! I understand why you're sad to see him go. ((HUGS))

    The yarn picture is hilarious!! heehee

  22. Looks like he couldn't have been happier with you, either! Little doll...


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