Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Shot...

I just got reading little Miss Ava's story of her first shots ... go visit this mommy, Stephanie - her & her husband are amazing Christian people! And Miss Ava is just the cutest little expressive baby!

It instantly hit me while reading this - the process of taking your baby to get the shots. Even Stephanie's title of "This is going to hurt me more than you" hit me in the heart.....

Do you ever think God feels that way?

I mean, you take a baby in for shots because why? You want to protect them from the things in this world - you want to build them up - make them stronger! Do they know that when they are getting poked? Nope - they just know it HURTS!

And is a shot REALLY that painful? Yeah, it stings & yeah, certain ones can bring a tear to your eyes - but I think what makes a baby cry more then anything, is the SURPRISE of the shots. They're not expecting that! They're in the doctor's office with mom & dad, thinking everything is just fine - they get stripped down & they think, "Oh, this is fun, I'm going to get a bath here probably" - & next thing you know, a man or woman they arent too sure of is taking temperatures, putting cold things on their chest to hear their hearts, being measured - just things out of the ordinary... & then... the DREADED SHOT! Still, babies dont even realize that is coming until its too late!!!

The surprise of a little pain....

And then mommy & daddy rush & pick up the baby & rock them & tell them its OK - & just the sound of their parents & the comfort of their arms usually takes that fear away quickly...

Does God see us going into something we dont ever see? And does He say "This is going to hurt me more then it hurts you..." - because He knows we HAVE to go through something to make us stronger - to become "healthier".... & do we find comfort in our Father's arms - letting Him take away the sting of the hurt?

We are always God's children... no matter how old we get... shots of life are always going to poke us by surprise...


  1. I SO agree with you. God's lessons have to be learned and he knows exactly how we feel. What a great way to put it RJ!

  2. It is so true. I do not like the shot thing either.

  3. UGH!!! I HATE SHOTS!!!! But you are right... and I think that I hate "life shots" the worst of all. They seem to come in so many different sizes, and come as such a surprise. At least with a REAL shot you have time to see it coming!

  4. UGH!!! I HATE SHOTS!!!! But you are right... and I think that I hate "life shots" the worst of all. They seem to come in so many different sizes, and come as such a surprise. At least with a REAL shot you have time to see it coming!

  5. I think this is your best post ever! You truly have a gift of being able to make us see how normal everyday life really is full of Godly experiences.

  6. Great point! I think especially when he disciplines us and when he sends people to hell. These are people that He creates, loves, cares for, and calls to Himself. He does everything He can but force them to turn to Him.

  7. Absolutely FANTASTIC! You never fail to see something amazing in mundane tasks.

  8. Great post...something I needed to be reminded of today =)

  9. Such a wonderful post to come back to. Just what I needed! Thank you!

  10. Love this Rebecca! I totally agree with you :) Thanks for sharing that :) Hope you are doing well!

  11. Rebecca, I love your perspective.

    I think God is exactly like this. And we are just like the little kids, not knowing what's good for us, not knowing what lies ahead.

    Great post, girlie!

  12. This was an AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME post!!! One of the many reasons why I love ya Jo Jo!!! :)

  13. What a great analogy. Sometimes it is really helpful to see things from a different angle.

  14. RJ,
    I need this right now. Yep taking a few shots right now, but God knows.

    Love you friend,


  15. Great post. I never thought of it that way before, but you are so right.

    P.S. I hate shots too. Can surely sympathize with that baby. LOL


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