Monday, August 03, 2009


I got an email the other day from the nicest lady at Simon & Shuster, the publishing company, asking me about looking at a book & discussing it. So of course, I'm all up for a good story & Ester immediately put it in the mail for me.

Now I'll admit, I was a little nervous because I'm sorta picky about my books. I'm not a Danielle Steele type of reader - I do like a love story, but not the "gushy" or "unreal" sorta stuff - the kind where the man dies in a horrible accident, she remarries, he dies, they she finds the true love of her life... no thank you...& no offense if you do like her stuff... its just not for me....

And I really like to read stories that are just good, clean stories - stories that seem possible - stories that can take me in - make me feel the emotions of the characters.... this book did ALL of that!

The book was "The Vigil" by Cecilia Samartin. I had never read any of her books before - but after this story, I think I'll have to check her out.

The story is about a young lady named Ana. The story finds her sitting at the side of her husbands death bed. Ana reflects over her life - & wow, what a life she had. The story goes from her childhood & the terrifying years she lived in El Salvador, to her call to be a nun & her life in the convent, to her direction of being a nanny for a family, to the sacrifices she makes for the well being of everyone else.
I will say too - the story moves so quickly too - there were no "slow" periods - it was constantly moving enough to keep you interested & to see the next phase of Ana's life.

The relationship Ana has with a special Sister in her life - to the relationship she has with the kids that she is the nanny of - to the relationships she has with the children's parents... its all so believable & real & I just appreciated Ana's character in this book. And by "character" - I mean, the person she's made out to be.... her values & the character of who she is...
I will say - & you all know this about me - I am a sap & there were times I did tear up.... times I did laugh & times I was surprised... the end totally had me GASP... but not giving anything away here....

So do I recommend the book.... Yep - would totally recommend it. Especially if you just like good story telling & just an easy, relaxed reading. I think you too would love Ana....


  1. Thanks for the book recommendation...sounds like something I might enjoy!

  2. Thanks for the recommendation, it's definitely on my list now!

  3. I love it when you recommend books!! I heart books!!!

    I still have the one you recommended a while back on hold at the library. I can't remember what it is at the moment, but maybe I'll get it soon. Yes I should just go buy it, and then maybe I'd remember the name of it. Oh well I'm cheap like that =)

    Love you friend,

  4. Oh, I love to hear about a good new book! Thanks for the recommendation!

  5. Thanks, I always love a good book review!

  6. Great review! the cover looks rather steamy :D

  7. How cool they asked you to review it! That's awesome, that says something about you!

    Great job too!

  8. Sounds like a great read!! I love getting new book recommendations. =)


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