Wednesday, October 28, 2009

After 14 yrs... conversation with Ricky...

So today is my 14th wedding anniversary with Ricky... 14 years!  WOW!  So we were talking about it at dinner & here's a little insight

Me:  So honey, what's your best memory of the wedding?
Ricky:  ... hmmm.... (thinking)... (& thinking).... I cant really say what the best memory was.  It was ALL fun.  Wasn't it fun for you too?
*I have to say, this is huge that Ricky thought it was fun because he is such a backwards, shy person & didnt really even want to have a wedding with alot of people.  We ended up having about 75, just family & close friends & it really made him feel comfortable... & he really enjoyed the day

Me:  But what stood out for you most about the wedding?
Ricky:  You laughing!  You laughed the whole way walking down the aisle & laughed through the whole ceremony.
*That's true - I did!  People who were sitting behind & couldnt see our face, they thought I was crying so hard... but those that knew me said "Nope, she's laughing"... & I was!  Laughter is a good thing...right?

Me:  What was the worst thing of the day?
Ricky:  I didnt get a good card beforehand. 
*The guys opened up baseball cards before the wedding to pass the time
Me:  I thought you were going to say your vest!
Ricky:  Oh man - you are so right!  My own best man wouldnt trade vests with me!  That was horrible!
*Ricky was so upset!  They gave him the wrong vest.  He was supposed to have a solid white but they gave him black & white.  He knocked on my door (We didnt see each other before) & was so upset & saying he didnt know what to do - he looked hideous.  My wonderful matron of Honor reassured him he looked fine.  He still wasnt happy about it... & I was brought that memory back to him.

Me:  Who were you most excited to see there that day?
Ricky:  You (can I hear a big collective, AAHHHH) - I didnt get to see you all day & I couldnt wait to see what you looked like... (again - AHHHH)
*I was just excited to see my grandmother there.  My whole life, my grandma said she just wished she could see me grow up, see me graduate high school, see me get married... she thought she wouldnt make it to any of these things... but there she was - on my wedding day.  That was pretty cool... made me miss my other grandma a bunch though... so thankful one of my grandmas were there.

Me:  After 14 years, what have you learned about marriage?
Ricky:  "Your right, I'm wrong, I'm sorry"
Me:  SHUT UP! 
Ricky:  I do say I'm sorry first, & I'll say I'm wrong, but I HATE saying you're right
*My dad, on our wedding day, told Ricky that advice.  Told him to always remember to say that line throughout all the problems we have.  After all these years... he stills says it!  Dad, who says no one listens to you!

Me:  What advice would you give anyone getting married?
Ricky:  RUN!!!!!!!

There is a glimse of us, together after 14 years!  Here's to another 14 years...
Happy Anniversary PUNK!


  1. You guys are the best friends a person could ever have!!


  2. Happy Anniversary! Hope your day is wonderful! : )


    You two are just the sweetest. I LOVE the pics and all the wonderful memories you shared here. What a sweet post, and what a sweet gift to wake up to (saw it on FB)!!

    Love you friend ~~ have a Blessed day,

  4. Awww, soooo sweet. Happy Anniversary!!! :)

  5. Happy Anniversary!! Loved looking back at the pictures!

  6. Here's wishing you 50 more! Happy Anniversary!

  7. Oh I loved that post! You look so pretty! You two are so cute, I love that you were laughing during the ceremony! That just seems so YOU!

    Happy Anniversary!

  8. Happy, Happy Anniversary! What a fun post! May you have many more wonderful years together!

  9. Happy 14th anniversary! It's an accomplishment, for sure!

    I love your dad's advice to Ricky!

    Hope it's been a great day for the both of you!

  10. lol He's so funny! I think that's probably the best advice anyone can give a groom on his wedding day ;)

  11. Awww, Happy Anniversary! I think I'd laugh a lot at my own wedding too, but there'll be tears as well, I'm sure!

  12. Happy Anniversary Rebecca and Ricky. I love the "interview"....he had the best answers!

  13. Happy Anniversary to you !! I love the pictures and advice!
    Keep it going.

  14. Hope you had a wonderful day!!
    I love the pictures.
    Happy Anniversary

  15. Awwwww! I loved this post!!


  16. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! You two are the sweetest little couple. Ricky is so funny with your questions :)

  17. Happy Anniversary!! I loved the conversation. John and I will celebrate 14 years this December.

  18. Sweet post. You guys looked incredibly young!! I like Ricky's advice ;-)

  19. Awww! Happy Anniversary!!!!!!

  20. happy annivesary! and congrats on 14 years!!


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