Thursday, October 08, 2009


Its true - Isaac is a skating fool! If you know anything about the Vincent gang - you know they are a skating family! Seriously - Ricky just blows my mind on skates. His sister & her husband - and his brother - they just make my jaw drop in awe when I watch them! Ricky's mom even pulls on the skates every time we all get together! Ricky had his daughters on skates right when they could walk - so you can imagine how good they are too! Its in the genes... so time to introduce Isaac to skates!
Ricky rented the skating rink for a private party so it was just friends & family to celebrate. Julie thought for sure Isaac wouldnt even DARE put on the skates that Ricky got him for his birthday. But we got there & everyone started skating & Isaac just stood there watching his Pappy & you could see the wheels churning in that mind... it was like the skating-gene power was taking over... (here is his with my dad - his Great Papaw- watching everyone)
Next thing you know - he had the skates on! No fear at all!!!!! His Pappy took him in the floor & showed him how to move those feet & it just came naturally... he was on the MOVE!

You think I'm joking? Look at this little man!!! He was all about it... didnt want to come off the floor. When someone would take him off - he'd just point & want right back out there! Yep - the Vincent gene is strong in that one... (said in my best "star wars" voice)

Then time to inject more sugar to keep him going... BIRTHDAY CAKE TIME!!!! It was so funny because I lit the candles & he instantly blew them out. Julie couldnt see his face & she said, "What happened?" - I told her he blew them out - she didnt even know he knew how to blow that good! So I had to re-light & keep him from blowing them out so we could sing!

Then it was time to DIG IN!!!! And I mean DIG IN!!!! I kept saying "Look at those hands" - & he would hold them up, so proud of his icing covered fingers. He was having the time of his life.

Then next thing I hear are gasps & "Rebecca - get her off skates!" - I look out & see Julie on skates. I was so happy for her! All she wanted to do was skate just a lap or two! After all - she's a Vincent - she's got it in her blood to put wheels on the bottom of her feet! Everyone was so nervous - but I wasnt' at all.. the girl knows how to skate - & Ricky was by her side... he wouldnt let go of her & I knew he wouldnt let her fall... he only let her go a few rounds & they went slowly - but she did it... got a few laps under her belt!
And Isaac was done with cake & back at the skating... with fresh sugar running through the veins - he never came off the floor until the lights came on. And then, he was just getting mad that the skating was over. We ended up letting him skate to the car & he fell asleep on the drive home so then we could slip off the skates...

The cutest thing... Isaac couldnt take his eyes off of his Pappy while Ricky was skating... Isaac would literally just stand there & turn the whole time Ricky went around the floor... He's seeing his future...he's going to be the next in line for master roller skating...
Here are two videos - the first one of Isaac first getting on the floor... sorry its so dark - it didnt look that dark on my computer at home...

And then here's a video of a taste of Ricky skating... I've said it before & I'll say it again - I fall in love every time I see him on wheels! He's the one following the guy in the green shirt...


  1. Too cute, Rebecca! Those pictures and the videos bring back a lot of memories. I spent many an hour at the skating rink. It was "the" place to be on the weekend!

  2. What a fun 2nd Birhtday. I won't show this to Alyce she will want to do this. I am glad the Mommy got to go around a few times.

  3. Wow I want to have fun like that! I've tried taking the boys and they cry. I'll have to try again. And yummy it looks like we truly enjoyed yummies :).

  4. I can't believe how he took to it like that! Incredible!

    And Ricky is amazing out there!

  5. Oh nuh uh! that is the cutest skating baby i have ever seen! and oh my goodness how i love the birthday cake face!

  6. if we lived closer together, I swear we'd have to have a skate night!! My husband is out right now roller skating (with the bromance 'natch) - we all have the similar 80's moves. Good that you are starting Isaac young. He'll be zooming in no time!

  7. Ok RJ,
    The hubs can definitely skate!! I love skating. I haven't been since knee surgery, but I LOVE it. I am NOT nearly that good.

    That little Isaac is a doll!!!

    Have a Blessed evening,

  8. Looks like Isaac had a great 2nd birthday!! I love the picture of the 2 of you!! Such a great pictures!! Your hubby really can skate!! Wow!!! It's been so long since I've skated!! Looks like so much fun!

  9. Aiden has those same skates! They are great and last a LONG time! He's almost 4!

  10. That is SO stinkin CUTE!!!

    The cake pictures are hilarious! Looks like he definitely enjoyed it. haha!!

    Happy 2nd Birthday to the little man!! =)

    Look at Ricky go!! Woohoo!!

  11. How fun! So cool that Ricky can skate like that, I'm not so graceful on skates lol

    PS I came across a series that you might like by Perry Noble called Beautiful. I know you like to learn as much as I do (or more!) so thought I would pass on the link. Click here.


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