Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Beautiful Ending...

I've always loved Barlow Girl... love people that have a ear for harmonizing... jealous of them actually (Yes, I'm talking to you Lynn!)  Barlow Girl is made up of a group of sisters & they are just growing & changing with each of their new albums.

Their latest came out - "Love & War" & they had it on sale for $8.99 the day I ran in to pick up my wonderful Steven Curtis Chapman's CD.. (You totally knew I was going to throw his name in there)...

I am in love with this CD... but the one song that I'm just listening to over & over is "Beautiful Ending"...

The words in just the first part of the song breaks my heart...

And it scares me to think
That I would choose
My life over you
Oh, my selfish heart
Divides me from You
It tears me apart

The selfishness in us - that tears us away from God...

Its funny because this morning, Ricky & I were just talking about selfishness... not because of something we did - but I was watching my dogs this morning.  Zoe was laying in the dog bed at the foot of our bed... she wouldnt move because she knew Sydney was standing right next to it waiting for her to move so she could take her place in the comfy, warm softness of this bed. 

And I look up and on OUR bed (these dogs said "forget the dog bed!") & Bruno is chewing a bone just staring at Buffy while Buffy is just waiting for Bruno to turn his head for a minute so she can run off with it...

I told Ricky - look at that.  Selfishness is bred into not even our being, but animal's instincts as well...

Its "what I want"... "its all about it"... "I'm in control"... "I am in charge."..

And then I get in my car & the CD is still tuned into this song...

The words continue to say "At the end of it all, I wanna be in your arms"....

Thats the most beautiful thing of it all... no matter our selfishness, God will take us back into his arms because He loves us DESPITE ourselves....

May I set aside more & more of my selfishness daily as I long for my own beautiful ending...


  1. Great song! I Love Barlow girls! Thanks for sharing! Hope you're having a great Thanksgiving week!!

  2. Ran across your blog--Just wanted you to know I love it! Also: Barlow Girl has been one of my favs! <3 them!

  3. What a beautiful song!

    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Rebecca!

  4. I had not heard that before. Thanks for sharing.

  5. i LOVE barlow girl. one of my favorite songs they sing are... never alone

    can't get enough of them!

    thanks for sharing this.

  6. Isn't that so funny how animals can do things out of spite? Mine do it all the time and I just have to laugh. It's crazy how human they act!

  7. Love that song! And your words are soo true girl, we have to keep continually dying to ourselves. Love ya. :)

  8. Stopping over from SITS. I like to visit the person on roll call before me. Hop over for a visit some time.
    - Cougs

  9. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your idea of Jon & Kate Plus Eight MINUS Jon and Kate!! You, my friend, are brilliant!!!

    Hallie :)


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