Sunday, November 29, 2009

Close to the Broken-Hearted...

I know the Holidays arent wonderfully happy for everyone....

& today, this verse has just kept going through my mind & my heart...

So I'm thinking someone, including me, needs to hear this verse...

And today - my blog post is simple, but I pray it touches & speaks to whoever needs it today...

If your heart is broken, you'll find God right there;
if you are kicked in the gut, he'll help you catch your breath.

Disciples so often get in trouble;
still, God is there every time.
-Psalm 34:18-19


  1. I pray what ever is hurting you today was quickly healed by this scripture and God's eternal promise. I'm here if you ever need to talk.

  2. There are many broken hearts this time of year. This time of year is always sad for my dad because he lost both of us parents at this time.

    Beautiful words.

  3. We have a friend going through a divorce and this Thanksgiving was especially hard for him.

    Thank you for pointing out that the holiday's aren't always so "merry".

  4. That is a great verse, and I am sure it is just what some people need to hear right now.

  5. Beautiful! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, my friend!!! :)

  6. I'm so sorry you had that feeling today! I've had it, too! Praise God for his mercies, support, and hope! What an uplifting, encouraging post! Just what I needed:)

  7. Great verse, I'm writing it down.

    I needed this today.


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