Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday Fragments

Friday Fragments?

*Be sure to go HERE to try & win a free book from my book blog... the drawing is this evening!!!

*We had 80's night at church last weekend for our 175th +1 anniversary of our church... there was a time capsule that was put up 25 years ago... in the 80's, hence the theme.  It was so much fun pulling out the eye shadow & pulling the side pony tail fashion again!

Totally wish I would have pulled out my slouch socks!!! Remember those?  I have a FEW pairs... that's embarassing to admit...& no! I didnt have that sweater laying around.  I made a trip to Goodwill & found the perfect 80's sweater! 

How cute are these girls (& Ryan back there)... I love it though because these girls werent even ALIVE in the 80's & yet, they love the fashion & music of the era... Rock on girls!

*I'm sorry I missed the recap of Dancing with the Stars... but speaking of the 80's ... did anyone catch how awesome my Donny Osmond looked channeling Adam Ant/ Michael Jackson/Corey Feldman...I'm rooting him on all the way to the finals!!!

*SPAT OF THE WEEKCandy wrappers!!!! Ricky has the biggest sweet tooth of anyone I know.  Seriously - his blood has to be made up of at least 51% of sugar.  So after Halloween & half off of bags of candy - Ricky is in his heaven.  Reese's cups, Kit-Kat's, Almond Joys... candy is everywhere!  He carries these bags around like a security blanket.  So now, I'm left to pick up dozens... no, make that HUNDREDS, of candy wrappers... & pulling them out of dog's mouths.  I mean, why just throw them in the trash can when its just fun to watch me chase dogs around, pulling a saliva piece of paper out of their mouths?

*Anyone going to make this week officially TAYLOR SWIFT WEEK?  First, the appearance on SNL (how funny was her Montage Song (la la la)....& then she kicks butt on the country music awards?  WOW... that's one over-achieving 19 yr old... What were YOU doing at 19 years old? 

*In case anyone wasn't aware (yeah... right....) NEW MOON... 1 WEEK AWAY!!!!! (aaahhhhhhh....screaming like a teenager girl!)

*Its Friday, the 13th... a guy at Ricky's work will actually not come into work today because of superstition.  Truly!  I never really think anything of it... do you?  I've never seen the Friday, the 13th movies.  Maybe if I saw those, I'd be a little more freaked out.  I dont know - did people get superstitious about it before or after the movie?  Did the date inspire the movie?  ... I'm so confused & lost.  I need to do my research on this topic.

*Best GLEE Moment:  Sue Sylvester actually making me tear up?  What the heck?  A older sister with Down Syndrome that she reads stories to & holds hands with.... Who saw THAT coming??

*I'm still on a hunt for a camera!  Trying to keep an eye out for those big sales that are supposed to be amazing PRE-Black Friday sales..... come on Best Buy - give me something that will make me happy.

Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday!!!!!


  1. Love the 80's theme! You look great!! And no superstitions over here for Friday the 13th! I am actually going to see Casting Crowns tonight ON Friday the 13th! Can't wait! I have been told that I should watch Glee, I may have to check it out!

    Have a great weekend!



  2. I love how you're channeling the 80's there! I had those slouch socks that you're talking about! I had pink ones!

  3. Don't you remember when Sue told will that "you don't know the first thing about me?" That's what she was talking about!!

    She threw me for a loop too!

  4. Okay, so totally thinking it much be camera season. I was just looking at them last night on the www.

    That sweater is sooooo 80's. I had one very close, that sadly carried me into the 90's as well. I know.

    Have a Blessed weekend,

  5. Sue Sylvester has a nice side...who knew. Did mom tell you I broke my camera too? Must be something about pink cameras. I know it has nothing to do with us!!

  6. I have been very lax in my blog visiting this week! Dig on the 80's gear...big shirts and leggings were ALL the rage when I was in High School (long, long, long ago!)

  7. You ROCK the 80's look! I used to wear the over-sized sweaters with leggings and do a side-pony tail, too! ;) I think I still have a couple of pairs of slouch socks in my dresser...not that I would admit it...oh wait, I just did! ;)

    LOVE Taylor Swift! At 19 I was working full time to pay for evening college classes...nothing as fun as Taylor for sure! :)

    Friday the 13th doesn't bug me - I did see a couple of the first movies...those bugged me. ;) Too funny one of Ricky's co-workers won't even come in to work because of his superstitions... I have a friend who got married on a Friday the 13th because she always was lucky on Friday the 13th! :)

    Sue Sylvester with a soft side...gotta love it!

    Happy FF! :)

  8. Happy Friday...

    I know I think our husband's forget what a trash can is for.
    DWTS was a lot of fun this week.

    Have a great weekend.

  9. Well, I can tell you at 19 I was not winning Entertainer of the Year Awards, haha!!!

    And how fun was that 80's party. You're rockin that outfit, girl!!! :)

  10. What a fun idea at your church! I love it when churches do clever things.

    I'm looking for a small t.v. and waiting for those great sales, too...still waiting....waiting...

  11. That pic of you is TOTALLY AWESOME DUDE! lol :D Love the side ponytail and pink sneakers.

    OMW I totally didn't see that coming with Sue. I got choked up for sure and found myself smiling so big. I just KNEW she was up to something. Man I love this show.

  12. Oh my gosh you totally rock the 80's! your church is so fun! And I couldn't believe Glee either with Sue's sister? Where'd that come from? And I LOVED that they sung wicked!! Loved it!

  13. Taylor Swift is amazing! I am happy for her. Even like her better after hearing an interview with her.

  14. I was all set to comment on your 80s outfit (which *rocked*, by the way), but I got distracted by Sue Sylvester...

    I also teared up at the end of this week's episode, then berated myself for any feelings of fondness toward that cold-hearted snake (80s reference, score!). Ahhh Glee, how do I love thee???


  15. I didn't have the pony tail but I did have BIG hair and BIG shoulder pads in my ever so professional business suits. LOL what a look that was.
    You don't want to know what I was doing when I was 19. Maybe sometime I will blog about it. It was a very bad year.

  16. Well, at 19 years of age, I wasn't making millions or winning music awards. But I did get married, start a full-time job (with benefits), and get my new husband through his last two quarters of school. How's that for responsibility?

  17. That sweater is so awesomely 80s!

    I haven't watched Glee this week, it sounds like I better track it down and watch it.

  18. I loved that moment on Glee!! Totally teared up when she grabbed her sister's hand and started reading to her. What a moment.

  19. You look great in your 80's outfit!! Regretting that I threw all my 80's stuff out...

    And Donny Osmond as Adam Ant was awesome :D

  20. To me, it feels like the 80's were just yesterday!

    Taylor Swift is awesome.

    I think nothing of Friday the 13th, but some people sure do.

    I didn't see the draw of Glee when the kids started freaking out about it. I had to watch because they do. I'm almost hooked now, and I do like Sue a lot. Good stuff.

  21. I misplaced my camera for a few weeks and thought I would die of withdrawal!

  22. Love, love. love your 80's ensemble. Well done!


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