Thursday, December 31, 2009

Final Day of Christmas...

First - I've got to share with you some birthday pictures tomorrow - it was WONDERFUL, but I want to get through all my Christmas stuff before the end of the year... & it just doesnt feel right dragging out the Holidays into the next year... but most of you are probably thinking, "Havent you drug it out long enough already?"... NAHHHH... one more day... & anyways, its got cute pictures of twin girls - so lets see the final installment of Christmas...

We got to have Christmas at my mom's house which we havent done in a few years.  It was great being back "home"... fun seeing it through the twins eyes.  They were pumped up for presents, but of course, it was the customary torture of kids around the world where you must EAT before you open presents... isnt that the longest time EVER for a kid? 

While we waited, the twins got a new Nintendo DS's & Aunt Bec had to play too... so I got ahold of Madi's & whilw Sophia took this picture - I couldnt even take the time to look up... I had baby ducks to catch on the game afterall!  Important stuff!!!

Then they were off... ripping & tearing paper, smiles, cheers... all that anticipation... 

Here are the baby dolls Aunt Bec got for the twins this year... I loved that the dolls kinda looked like the girls!

The living room was FULL of paper, presents & kids... my grandpa got to join us this year - & you can see my Sister in Law stuck in the corner getting jammed in with presents...

Then it was time for Sophia to model some of her goodies... she's such a poser

And Madi was had to take time to listen to all of the musical animals that my mom had... Madi always, since she was a baby, LOVED all these music playing creatures... I loved catching the picture of her just hitting the buttons on them & just staring ... the wonder of Christmas in a young one's eyes...

And you know what - the wonder of Christmas can still get in a grown ups eyes...

I looked & saw this nativity set from when I was a kid... I can remember this being set out every year & I LOVED it because it was plastic - you can even see the paint has been fading on it through the years.  I loved holding the baby Jesus because the back of it was smooth & I loved to just feel the manger & the way he laid in it... I loved the blue that covered Mary...& Joseph's shepherd hook was real metal...I ended up picking it up & playing with it, & yes, I see that Christmas magic is alive in every age...

So yes... as you can tell, Christmas was just wonderful for me this year... seeing it through the eyes of new parents who have their first Christmas with their baby... sharing it with friends who are like family to me in so many ways.... feeling the love of a family that are miles apart from us... seeing the excitement in the two little girls eyes... & yes, reflecting of memories of my own...

Hope everyone has a wonderful & SAFE New Years & I pray that 2010 holds nothing but wonderous things for us all!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What do Tiger Woods & I have in common?

No, I'm not a pro golfer so if you guessed that, you'd be WRONG!

We both share the same birthday... & for the record, that's ALL we have in common...

Yes!  Taking a break from Christmas pictures (only one more day).  Today is my birthday... & no, this is NOT my cake, but I can dream that its is, right? 

Ricky isnt a big "cake person" so he usually gets me a York Peppermint Patty instead of a cake... not really the same, but oh well.  Maybe I'll go get my own cake this year, or maybe even MAKE my own cake...

This year, for my birthday, I've just been really thinking about my life... anyone ever feel like you're life isnt where you planned it to be?  I mean, I look back in my Senior Memories book & you fill out the page of "where will you be in 10 years"... & about NOTHING is right on that page that is filled out with teenage dreams...

I thought I'd be a teacher, or a pharmacist.... I'm in accounting

I always thought I'd marry a business man with a dark complexion & black hair... I married a red headed Irish rocker... (how funny opposite is that?- haha!!!)

I always thought I'd be a mother & have tons of kids & be an incredible mom... I never had children of my own, but have incredible step daughters that I love as my own.

Other little things that you just think you'll accomplish in your lifetime... but havent really even gotten close to any of those ideas....

And I'm not complaining in any way about the things I have in my life now!  Dont get me wrong - they are all blessings... but when you are 18 & you think about your life, you are 99% going to get it wrong for 20 years down the road...

(Here I am in my Sr. Year... when dreams were BIG)

I tend to ponder these things & then just think, "This must be where God wants me"...

And I'm sure I have veered off the path that He wants me on & have made things WAY more complicated for myself according to the plans He has for me... But I have to believe He veers me right back on a path that He intends for me...

Psalm 139:13-16 (New International Version)

13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me
were written in your book before one of them came to be.

So today on my 38th birthday, I hold onto verse 16... knowing that God is still God... & that means all my days are ordained for me... & He is in charge.

Thank you Lord for loving me through all the years.....thank you for blessing me with another birthday....

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas with the kiddos...

Christmas pictures continue...

We got to have our visit with the baby of the family, Lindsay & her fiance on Christmas Eve... She turned 21 this year & its crazy to know she's growing up & on her own, which means we dont get to see her as often, so its wonderful when we get to spend some time with her.  Here she is with her daddy... & of course, Sydney, who LOVES Lindsay more than anything!

And here she is with her prize gift of the evening - her SNUGGIE... & not just any ordinary one - but the Zebra print... I was so dang jealous.  She had fun rubbing it in not only my face, but her fiance, Tyler's face!  He's been wanting a Snuggie himself.  He said he didnt even care if it was Zebra print, he was using it... Lindsay threatened his life if he touched it... aah, the beginnings of wondering what marriage will be like starting off just right!

Then after she left, Ricky fell asleep about 8:00 so what am I to do?  Take ANOTHER blog buddies idea & make some Peanut Clusters... I remember this one came from Finding Normal... and the awesome blogger was discovered who made the reindeer cupcakes - want to give credit where its due... The John's Family is the creative, wonderful woman!... but these peanut clusters were so easy & fun to make... & I did end up getting Milk Chocolate instead of semi-sweet & while they were SUPER sweet, they were so dang yummy!!

And then the BEST PART OF CHRISTMAS... seriously, this made my whole Christmas... We got to "spend" Christmas with our dear Julie & her husband Steve & the cutest grandbaby in the whole world...How?  When they are in Texas & we're obviously NOT in Texas?  Xbox Live...

When Julie saw on my Christmas post a few weeks ago on what I wanted for Christmas so badly was to see Isaac open his gifts on Christmas morning, she instantly emailed me & said "Lets do it"... oh, that sweet precious girl!

So when they woke up, they turned on the cameras & we turned ours on... & look at this beautiful face we saw!!!  This is my favorite picture - Isaac looking at his Pappy & listening to him talking to him...

We got to see him unwrap every gift... & how he would always go back to one little toy that was in his Doctor's Kit we sent... it was the only thing he wanted.. how cute is that! 

And we sent down a book, & inside the cover, I taped a picture of Isaac & his Pappy skating (Thanks for the idea Erica!) & when Julie opened it up for him, he gasped because he recognized & remembered that moment... oh yeah, Christmas tears...

And here is he showing us his Christmas tree....

And yes, if you ask, those are KISS heads on the wall.... I told you my husband is a ROCKER... & no, those heads dont freak out Isaac - he actually likes looking at them... a mini-Rocker in the making!

So even though they were far away, technology made us feel like we were all together... & just LOOK at what we got to open - things Julie knitted for us... she made me a hot pad & a dish cloth... & then this... the most beautiful, cabled book cover...

And then she knitted - YES, this is knitted - her dad a checker set.  She made the pieces & even a little bag to hold it all... they have a history of checker challenges...

I'm a total loser when it comes to challenging either one of them, so I'll stick with reading my book in its beautiful cover...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas with our friends...

So I warned you,so be prepared - there will be talk of Christmas for at least the next 3 days...  but its just too much to wrap up in one post... you'd be paging down through pictures for an hour & I dont wish that on anyone...

Our kick off for Christmas was when my sister-friend, Lynn invited us over, along with our buddies, Joe & Erica & that beautiful baby Emily, as well as Ryan & Chasity...

There is nothing better then just sitting around the table, eating yumminess & talking & laughing with friends.  And put all of us together, & that's what happens every time... even when everyone has to yell at Ryan for playing with fire.  He thinks its OK now that he's a firefighter...

So off to some pictures of the night..

The beautiful little Emily in her Christmas dress... this was the first time she had been out for a long time since she was diagnosed with IS (Infantile Spasms) but we made sure there was no sickness in any of us so we could get around her... isnt she lovely?

And here's Carly with her gingerbread house that she & her brother made... a perfect house

Ryan geting excited about a Mighty Mouse shirt he received from Lynn "Here I come to save the day"... how appropriate for the new firefighter?

And check this out!  Lynn - the MASTER KNITTER - made this caplet for Chasity!  I literally took like 7 pictures of different ways to wear it - its an amazing piece of knitting... I totally HAVE to have one myself!

And then the most wonderful moment of the night for me... I have a package, I open it up & what do I see??? A piece of knitted Heaven... The funny thing, I saw Lynn making this kimono over the past few months & LOVED it... she told me she was making it for herself & I just fell in love with it each time I saw it grow... when I saw it was in the box for ME... oh, can I say, that's a piece of sure happiness right there... Here are Lynn & I - me wearing the most beautiful kimono EV-AHHHH...

It was just a wonderful kick off to Christmas... nothing like having friends that become family...

Oh - & I wanted to thank the blogger that gave me this idea... I totally forgot where I saw this - it was on one of your blogs & I'd give credit but I visit so many blogs that I cant even remember whose it was - if it was you, let me know... but look at this idea I found for cupcakes... how cute did they turn out...

So easy & simple & so darn cute...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Six Word Saturday

Figuring out my new fun toys!!!
Its over...

I woke up with that weird feeling of "What do we do now?"

I know!  I'm going to figure out my new fun toys I got for Christmas...

This is what Santa Ricky had under the tree for me in the morning...

An Ipod Touch!  yipee... Perfect to keep all my songs organized... & I am already loving looking at all the applications you can put on it too... will be purchasing the "Scrabble" application today - FOR SURE!

And this is the big surprise I got this year....

A SEWING MACHINE!!! I've been wanting one forever.... & dont have a clue how to use it!  But that has always been a goal of mine - to learn how to sew.  I have always wanted to learn to make skirts - which seemingly is easy.  I LOVE long skirts & being 5'9 - its not easy to find a long skirt in the world of short, bare it all clothing... I have a feeling its going to take me a few lessons on how it all works though.  I got a "Sewing for Dummies" sorta book, so exited to play with it!

And today, I will be uploading & editing my pictures over the past few days of  Christmas fun... & I am going to have some FANTASTIC pictures... next week is probably just going to be "picture week" on my blog...

But I have some AMAZING.. & can I say it again - A- MAZ-ING kntted goodies I received that you HAVE to see the pics off... These knitting skills make me look like a beginner.. just wait!  And of course, you gotta see pictures of the twins... & the best of all - we got to have Christmas with our grandbaby via Xbox Live... was able to watch him open his gifts & it totally made our Christmas complete!  I even took pictures like any Nanny would do of him - regardless if its of a TV screen - you still see the cuteness coming through!.... so dont say I didnt warn you about all the pictures coming...

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas... I'm off to look at some more new apps to download!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Spirit

I enter the home of poverty & cause pale-faced children to open wide their eyes in wonder.

I cause the aged to remember their youth... & to laugh

I cause eager feet to climb dark stairways with filled baskets, leaving behind hearts amazed at the goodness of the world

I cause the prodigal to pause & send, to an anxious family, some little token of love

I enter dark prison cells, causing scarred manhood to remember what might have been & pointing to better days ahead

I enter the homes of pain, & there, lips that are too weak to speak simply tremble in silence, eloquent gratitude

In a thousand ways, I cause this weary old world to look up into the face of God, & for a few moments, forget everything that is small & wretched.

You see, I am the Christmas Spirit
-Author Unknown

I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirt in jars & open a jar of it every month.
 -Harlan Miller

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A lesson in prayer

I've said it before, I'll say it again - & I'm reminded constantly on how much I am blessed by being able to "hang out" with the youth in our church.  I know I'm supposed to be the leader, & I pray I do teach them some things along the way, but let me tell you, they teach me so much on their own...

I have a young lady in our class named Cayla.  This young lady is the sweetest little soul... always has been.  And one thing I love about her is she has always had no problem in praying to open up class or close up class.  I LOVE that in a kiddo - especially a teenager!  Its so rare - but not for this young lady.  "Anyone want to pray?" & her hand always goes up. 

(There's Cayla with her buddy, Mandy Lou-Who.. not her real name but what I call her!)

So she prays to close out our class Sunday & after she was finished, another amazing, BRILLANT young lady, Allyson came up to me & said, "She prayed right"... I was like, how do you pray wrong?  & Allyson said, she didnt ask for anything - she was just thankful...

And you know what - it clicked... Cayla has always prayed like that... just always THANKFUL for everything... She thanked God for Ryan, who led the lesson that day, she was thankful for the snow that we did receive (even though we only got a dusting, nothing like the kids were wanting), she was thankful for the day, her parents, everyone getting together...

& she just reminded me on how we dont need to really go to God with a list of what we want - He already knows anyways, right?  That when we talk to Him, we can just be thankful for the things He has given, the things He hasn't, & the things that He WILL take care of...

Since Sunday, everytime I've prayed, I think of her... & even when I go to pray for healing for someone, I'm even trying to re-word it - like "Thank you God for being in control of healing so & so"... it really makes me feel like I'm worshiping God more then using him as a genie in a lamp...

& I learned this from this beautiful young lady...

Honestly, if you get a chance - get to know some of the youth in your church or just around you... I'm telling you, they'll teach you more then you'd ever realize...and you'll be blessed more then you can EVER imagine...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Santa's Christmas Prayer

On Christmas Eve the other night,I saw the most amazing sight,
for there beneath the Christmas tree,was Santa kneeling on his knee.

His countenance was different than that all-familiar, jolly grin;
his head was bowed, with hand to breast, & slightly tucked within his vest.

For there in a nativity, was Jesus & his family,
And as I heard him start to pray, I listened close to what he'd say.

"Lord, You know that You're the reason I take pleasure in this season.
I dont want to take Your place, but just reflect Your wondrous grace.

I hope You'll help them understand, I'm just an ordinary man,
who found a way to do your will, by finding kids with needs to fill.

But all those centuries ago, there was no way for me to know
that they would make so much of me, & all the gifts beneath the tree.

They think I have some hidden power, granted at the midnight hour,
but it is my love for you, inspiring the things I do.

And so when they begin to open gifts, for which they have been hoping,
may they give you all the glory, for You're the ONE TRUE CHRISTMAS STORY!
-Alda Monteschio

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Brain Game?

We had our Christmas today with Ricky's family... we really dont get to see them enough... enjoyed laughing with my sisters & brothers in law... & my nephew & niece. 

Our niece is just at that age where you dont get them cell phones & text messaging, but they are all intrigued by it... so Ricky & I got these cute little walkie talkie things that look like the i-phone & she can "text" with her friend...

Cute right?

We open it up & I start to read the directions & this is what it said...

Anyone notice anything?  yeah - the BRAIN game actually says BRIAN game...

A kid name Brian come with this game? 

What a word to misspell on...

I have to be honest... I looked at it like 10 times before I mentioned it to anyone to make sure I was looking at it right & I was spelling "brain" right... who says I'm not smart?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Six Word Saturday


Anyone else remember that wonderful 80's hair band, Europe?  But I've been humming that song all day since my eyes popped open today. 

I woke up & got all my packages together & went to the post office, came home & made some pancakes (oh yes, my love of pancakes is still strong), & then have bene wrapping, wrapping, wrapping...

I'm now getting ready to go with my "Final" list of things I need & head out into the nasty day to finish up.  We are heading to have Christmas with Ricky's family tomorrow so the fun of Chirstmas is getting started... & everything needs to be DONE by tonight!... Oh yes, the countdown is on...

I'm also going to try & slide in some baking tonight - just because I want to see exactly how much pressure I CAN put on myself without me breaking down & huddling in a corner & crying... I think red & green icing will take care of any crying spells I may have.  Doesnt icing cure everything?

And because you KNOW I had to share pictures from the twins program last night - here's a little glimpse of the cuteness of kiddos...

Sophia as the Shepherd... she was in charge of her little "Lamb" & because she was taking her role seriously, she'd keep reaching down & would hold his hand... what a good little shepherd!!

And there's Madi as another shepherd... her "lamb" is over from her, but I was proud of her for keeping her hands from hiding her eyes... that little angel in front of her came up to me afterwards & said "Did you think I made a good angel?"... of course she was...

This little boy goes to my church - & he is the most ADORABLE little boy!!!  He has the sweetest heart of a child & man, let me tell you - this little boy KNOWS his Bible stories!  His mommy & daddy are raising him up right... but how cute of a little cow did he make? 

Look at those little ones!!! And see that little Joseph?  That's who holds Madi's hand all day during school... first crush - is there anything sweeter? 

Sophia & her friend, Shawna... Shawna was the star - literally, the shining star... & she told me how she had to practice walking in it... Sophia originally was going to do that part, but she told the teacher she knew she'd fall so she didnt want to do it... the girl knows her limits!

Hope you all have a fantastic Saturday!!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday Fragments

Mommy's Idea
*Tonight's my twin nieces Christmas Pageant at their preschool.. I totally cant wait to see all the little ones up there.  With Sophia (aka Miss Dramatic) in her element... (A STAGE!!!) & with Madilynn (aka Miss DONT LOOK AT ME) ignoring everyone thinking, "If I dont look at them, they wont look at me"... Oh, be aware that pictures WILL be taken!!!

*SNOW!!!!!!!!!!  We have snow forcasted EVERY DAY up until Christmas!  And this weekend can drop us a few inches... which really isnt cool when you still have some Christmas shopping to do.  At least I have my little 4 wheel drive... maybe it'll keep the stores less crowded?  Nah - it'll just be crazy people in the SNOW now... oh, this can't be good!!

*So You Think You Can Dance... I just didnt even care this hour long finale when they've drug out the show for 10 hrs every week?  And Russell?  I mean, I liked the dude, but Jakob was by far the best dancer... it was just stupid this year...Fingers crossed Ryan gets snagged up on "Dancing with the Stars"

*I saw my counter top for the first time last night after HOURS of wrapping... but the kitchen table is still MIA.  I know its under there somewhere!

*I want a fireplace in my home....

*SPAT OF THE WEEK:  SURPRISES!!!  So I've said before how Ricky just cant handle holding gifts for me - he either gives them right to me, or he lets me pick out what I want for Christmas... but yet, he gets angry at me that he doesnt know what I got him (which is pretty decent, I must say!!!), & he'll have surprises Christmas morning & I wont... now excuse me, is it MY fault I have control & he doesn't?  I'm just saying...

*I had to turn my "Word verification" back on... hate that... but I've been getting scam comments lately for banking & financing... no, dude, no one cares & you arent going to comment anymore here... so sorry nice bloggers who comment LEGIT comments, you have to now take the time to do a stupid word verification because of dorky people...

*Did you see all the nominations for GLEE for the Golden Globes?  And Jane Lynch even got a shout out... totally deserved!!!!  I was so excited when I heard that.  Picked up the GLEE 2 Soundtrack & its even BETTER then the first!  I listen to them over & over & never get sick of it... GLEE has some sort of mystic powers that drags you in - I'm sure of it... I also just read that Sue Sylvester will be having her own song to sing in the next round of shows... I love any scene Jane Lynch is in... cant wait!

*Our boss received a live wreath for a Christmas present & he let us put it up on the door in the office.  Can I say, all you live tree people, I see where the smell drags you in to getting a live tree.  Every morning when I open the door, that smell in the office is just so heavenly...makes me sad though that its dying... I want that smell around here longer! 

*We had our Youth Christmas party Wednesday... As always when we're all together, I laughed so hard, my belly hurt, I lost my voice from singing Karoke (or SCREAMING Karoke, I should say), and yes, if you saw my Facebook - I even ate Pla-Do!!!  All the other leaders were talking about how they've eaten it before & how salty it tasted... Someone say salt?  I was intrigued.  So our youth minster took the first dive into it & then I had to try it myself... afterall, it was the beautiful pink color... and WOW - it is MAJORLY salty... who knew?  I've said it before & I'll say it again - it takes a certain kinda people to work with youth - & I think I just proved it once again!

Here we are singing YMCA... notice I dont even put down my Diet Coke to rock out!

And no, I'm not singing a heart moving hymn here... we're not raising our arms praising God - we are doing the moves to YMCA... but my emotion in this song is just TOO much ... & Ryan watching me is even more hilarious!  Now that's good times right there!

Happy Friday everyone!  May it be FABULOUS!