Saturday, January 09, 2010

Six Word Saturday


Funny how yesterday, I just hit "publish post" & mentioned Julie making it further in her pregnancy with Isaac - & I no sooner get a phone call from Julie telling me her water broke!  She was on the way to the hospital!!

She got there & apparently, they didnt waste any time in getting her ready for a c-section.  Luke never turned & once they opened Julie up, they saw why.... he had the cord wrapped around him TWICE!  So he wasnt able to move around!  Julie said he was so active the whole time, guess he got wrapped up with all that commotion.  So it was truly a blessing that the water broke & they did the c-section when they did.  If he got any bigger & that cord was around him, things could have taken a really bad turn... But God is good - & LucasVincent Bohannon is here!  Yep, born the same as his brother - at 34 weeks & 1 day... the doc says its 2 days, but Julie's calculations have it the exact same time as Isaac. How funny is that! 

He's a tiny little squirt - 4 lbs 7 oz & I believe she said 16 inches long... Julie just kept saying over & over - "He's so tiny!"... & Julie said his lungs are perfect because he's been screaming & crying - which is like music to their ears!  The doctors are saying he is very strong & healthy... THANK YOU LORD!

And talking with Julie yesterday, she was feeling pretty good after the c-section.  Probably a lot of the morphine talking - so pray for her healing & recovery over the next few days...

And now, of course, the obligatory Grandparent pictures... You totally know though, if I was in the same state, I'd have 1,500 pictures already up here, but we're sitting up in Indiana at the mercy of others who have cameras... I'm not liking this very much at all!!!  I wanna be clicking away & kissing that little face... & wanting to see how Isaac is going to handle being a big brother... oh, life will change in that household...

Look at that pitiful face... but let those lungs work sweet baby!

You know how tiny those hats are anyways - & look how big it is on his head... but Luke looks like he's got some long fingers... ready to grab all his brother's toys!

Look at that face!  He was listening to his mommy talking... probably saying "Sorry mom for all that kicking"

Good Job Julie!! We love you all!!!


  1. With each breath you take,
    wee one, you praise your Maker,
    Jesus Christ our Lord.

    Six-Word sleepless!

  2. How wonderful! Praise Jesus!!! Congratulations to all of you!!!!

  3. Welcome to the world Lucas! What a precious bundle!

  4. What a gorgeous baby boy!!! He is just precious RJ!! I'm so happy for ya'll. Julie looks GREAT!!!

    Is Luke in the NICU?!! It looks like in that last pic that maybe he is.

    Love you and congrats grandma!!!

  5. Congrats!! Glad to hear mom and baby are doing good. Sweet little face....and I'm wid' ya on the Lost/Obama speach...We've waiting this long, don't screw us over now!

  6. How precious! Congratulations to your family!!

  7. Oh my word, he is absolutely beautiful! I went and left a comment on Julie's blog yesterday after reading your post, too.

    Hope all goes well with Lucas; when are you going to go and visit?

  8. New to your blog, but feel the excitement for you. He is absolutely adorable. Congrats to you and Julie. I had goosebumps reading your post. Gotta love babies!!

  9. He is so precious. God is so very good.
    Congratulations to all of you.

  10. What a sweet wee baby. I'm glad everyone is doing fine. Thanks for playing 6WS!


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