Thursday, January 21, 2010

"This is stinky & sweaty"

Last night was our youth program & I was up for the I had to laugh when I get up front & ask for some volunteers!  After the Neti-Pot lesson, everyone was skeptical... wimps!  But finally, five people came up & THEN I told them they had a chance at winning $5!  Oh yeah, who wishes they stood up & volunteered now?

The rules - I was going to read out a few places where the money was - read it only once & they couldnt ask any questions or talk - they just had to go find it....

Some of the places I said was in a certain pew, on a certain page number, of a certain Bible... or in a certain mailbox... or underneath a certain pew... fun things!  Then I added in "Or in the show of Jeremy" (our Youth Minister)... they were off...running crazy, asking Jeremy if it was in his shoe, which is replied "Why would there be money in my shoe?" - & then they'd check the other places...

Funny, one person took off ONE of Jeremy's shoes & then when the other kids would come by & ask if it was in his shoe, he showed them his ONE shoe off & they'd keep searching... yeah - in the end, the money was in Jeremy's other shoe!

I gathered them all together again & asked - "How is this like trying to hear God's will?"...

The point... we hear things all the time - how do we know which one is the RIGHT DIRECTION we are supposed to listen to?  After all, God speaks in "gentle whispers" (1 Kings 19:12) & its hard to figure out what is the actually God's will in our life...

And Jeremy?  Well, I made sure he wasnt "up front" about the money in his shoe... why?  Because when God has a plan for us & a purpose, there will still be people in this world who are in the way - go against us - make it hard for us... YOU have to know it is the correct thing to do & keep on at it...

I mean, if Mother Teresa stopped when she ran into problems - would her ministry & God's will in her life be fulfilled?  She KNEW what God called her to do & she didnt stop...

Even funnier, when one of the kids figured out the "other shoe" & pulled it off & discovered the $5 - the first thing out of his mouth was "This is sweaty & stinky".... I just said "EXACTLY"!  Sometimes, God's will for us is NOT pleasant or something we WANT to do... it can get pretty nasty & "stinky"... but it doesnt mean God doesnt want us to go there...

I hope the kids got the point of my example... & in the end, someone got "Blessed" with a reward for following the correct directions... Oh, what BLESSINGS we'll receive when we follow God's will & purpose in our own lives...


  1. How you manage to continually come up with these examples amazes me! You always put things into terms that make complete sense in a modern world! You have a gift!

  2. Wow, this is a great lesson!! I love to stop in and see what you have done lately, you always get it right to the young peoples' level!

  3. I can't imagine how those kids must love you, Rebecca! What a powerful lesson!

    Wonder what he did with that stinky five dollar bill?

  4. RJ,
    You come up with the best examples. I wish Dak could sit in your class!!

    Love you friend,

  5. Look for Photoshop Elements if you do...I found the latest version at Walmart for about $90, but hubby found my cd on ebay for about $60 I think. Mine is version 7.0, it's so easy to use and really helps the colors to pop and you can remove shadows and red eye and has lots of other fun things you can do to your pictures.

  6. I wanna be a good teacher like you.....

  7. Such a great lesson. You truly are a teacher!!! To them AND us!

  8. Great lesson.... our lesson on Sunday morning with the KIA group was on the same thing.... listening... and how hard it is to listen and know that what you are hearing is the right thing.... and if you don't LISTEN you might not get everything you need to bring someone else to Christ! Think that God must be working something at GCC when our lessons go together like that!

  9. How funny you too have Neti pot pictures! My lesson was much, much lamer than yours.

  10. That is great! I love it. :) I definitely like hearing all of those things. I NEED to hear them.

    Stopping by from SITS!

  11. GREAT object lesson, Rebecca!!

  12. What a wonderful example!!! And how appropriate to my life right now!

    Thank you!!


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