Thursday, February 18, 2010

You need a laugh? Then you gotta watch this...

I was in so need of a laugh this morning & this was sitting in my in-box... just what I needed... I think I have watched it like 5 times & have tears coming out of my eyes...

so now, may I introduce to you "Ugly Furniture"... Why is that on the wall?  I really wish it wasn't...

May today be full of laughter for you!

(& sorry for that one word at the end... it IS technically in the Bible though... & how do we not know, they may be talking about donkey's here... afterall, I wouldnt want to put MY donkey on that couch!)


  1. Looks like it all came out of Beetlejuice!

  2. That is totally good for a laugh! I think I may want that Wynona poster, though.

    I'm kidding.

    Really, I am :)

  3. I have to agree with the post before me.. Thanks for sharing. I have something on my blog for you.

  4. Stopping by from SITS! You are right, that is funny! I don't understand why some people buy certain things, but hey to each their own!

  5. LOL!
    i am thinking is this a REAL store?
    The voiceover in the commercial is funny!

    I like the end. And NO WAY my donkeys are sitting on it.

    Stopped by from SITS.
    Though I'd visit some people today.
    And your comment popped up about the olympics.
    I haven't watched the Olympics either. I hope that doesnt make me unamerican I'm just NOT that into Sports. I want my NBC shows back. I know selfish though right?
    Well I do.

    Hope you will stop by my blog.
    Talk to you later.

  6. Hahaha, yeah, they probably were referring to a donkey there...

  7. Ha. Yeah, gotta love local commercials - and even more, spoofs on local commercials! Reminds me of a SNL skit from a few years back with Scarlett Johannsen. It was funny, too.

  8. Loved the voice-over voice - priceless!!

  9. This is too funny! Thanks for the chuckle! Who would have even thought to do such a thing. I guess desperate times call for desperate measures.

  10. "Put your ear up to it and you just might get a grease mark on it."


    Thanks for sharing :) Have a great weekend!


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