Saturday, March 06, 2010

Project 365-8

Let's  see what the camera caught this week

Feb 28 - My friend should be on CAKE BOSS!!!!!.... Look what my sister-friend, Lynn did for a baby that was going to be born into our chuch family.... Isnt it beautiful?!?  The good/bad thing about the cake - The momma went into labor the morning of the shower & the shower was called off & new momma didnt even get to see the cake!  Good news - Baby Abigail was born perfectly healthy!!!  Even WORSE news - I didnt get to eat any of this cake... OH, the tragedy!!
March 1 - Could I BEEEE any busier?.... oh mercy!  The first of the month & with some taxes due & deadlines that needed to be done by the end of the day... it was one hectic day!  My bin doesnt even reflect how stressed I was today!

March 2 - Sing with me... "Running on Empty"!!!.... I hate to let my gas tank get like this... it makes me a nervous wreck... but I'm sure Ricky would assure me, "You can make it another 50 miles on that!"... yeah, I'm not trying it...

March 3 - Good bye Snow..... its all fading away with the warmer weather.  And by warmer weather, I mean, above freezing!  That's OK - if it gets rid of the snow, I'll take it... hopefully that will be the last of it until next year (fingers crossed!)

March 4 - What to do when you're bored.... I dont know why, but lately, when I've been getting bored (which is actually very rare) - I've been making cookies.  But I dont want to eat them - so I make Ricky take them to work with him.  I had some icing I wanted to play with, so why not make smiley faces?  Hopefully it didnt embarass Ricky too bad to take smiley faced cookies to his play mates ... um, I mean, to his work buddies...

March 5 - Eating fresh before the race.... I had to run out at lunch to pick up my packet for the Anthem Fitness Class 5k & thought about what Bob or Jillian would want me to do for lunch.  So naturally, I had to spit out my Sugarfree EXTRA gum & head to Subway.  I think if I had any leftovers, Bob or Jillian would've shown me a ziplock bag too - but there were no leftovers... what would we do without all the advertising from The Biggest Loser?

March 6 - My best time EVER!!!!.... So you can tell by my eyes here, it was DANG early.  But the 5k was today & I felt so proud of myself doing 12 minute miles... but then seen where others were doing like 7 to 8 minute miles... what are these people made of?  Mercy me.... oh well - I'll be happy I had MY best time...
Going to recharge my camera battery & get ready for another week of photos! 

Happy Snapping!


  1. Lynn's cake was A-MAZING! She is so talented!!
    I am so proud of you Rebecca, your my running hero!!!!

  2. That cake is beautiful. Hey and I say if you finish the race that's what really matters. Good job!!

  3. You are so true about cake boss! That cake is awesome!

    Also congrats on the race! That's awesome!


  4. Seriously the mac-daddy of cake decorating!!! WOW and no eatie? Bummer. Serious travesty of justice right there. I bet it tastes at least as good as it looks.

    12 min miles ~~ YOU ROCK RJ!!! You look fantastic, sleepy and all!!

    Love you friend,

  5. LOL at the Biggest Loser advertising! I think 12-minute miles are awesome. Way to go!

  6. The cake is stunning & your race time is amazing. I will only run if someone is chasing me!

  7. that cake is!!!! she so should be on cake boss!!!

    I ran my car this week till it beeped at me...not good.

    so impressed you did the 5K....way to go!!!!

  8. Hi Rebecca Jo,
    Congratulations on winning your Blessed Aroma Award.
    I enjoyed reading this post, and what a beautiful cake, Almost to pretty to cut!, and how wonderful that Baby Abigail was born so perfectly healthy. God is so gracious.

  9. I hope the new mom got to eat her cake. LOL

    Wonderful photos!

  10. Gorgeous cake, but I bet the baby was even more beautiful!
    Congrats on your achievement with the 5K. That is a great accomplishment!
    Have a super week!

  11. Cute cake! Love the colors.

    My desk looks like your bin. Sigh.

    Creative pic with the gas tank. I'm with you - too nervous when it gets that low.

    I'm sure the cookies brightened everyone's day. Who can not smile when looking at a smiley face cookie??

    Congrats on getting your best time! That's awesome.

  12. Great week!

    Beautiful cake, sorry you missed getting to give it a sample!

    Have a great week.

  13. Your bit about Subway/Extra sugar-free gum/Ziplock bags cracked me up!! CONGRATS on a personal best!!

  14. wow, you had an amazing week in photos! i can't believe what happend with the baby shower!
    and congrats on the 5K! yay! and i am really liking how you did your photos with the day neat.

  15. Good for you! 12' mile and serious about cutting out sugar! Wow! Keep it up girl!


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