Sunday, March 14, 2010

Project 365-9

Its been one hectic week... I'm glad I remembered to click the camera - but I lets look to see what the week held.

March 7, 2010 - Half way done.... No, my hair is not that short & I didnt get it chopped off - that's just my top "layer" - the longer part of my hair is in the back in a pony tail... but that IS how frizzy & puffy my hair is before it gets straightened.  The one side, you can see is finished - the other half is waiting for the straightner...its only because I love my bloggy buddies that I can show you the frizz-fest my hair truly is....

March 8, 2010 - Calories in - Calories Burned?  Not buying it.... Yes, I did a 5 mile run & this is what my heart monitor said was the calories that I burned according to my height, weight & the beat of my heart during the trek... so I do these runs at LEAST 3 times a week - how am I burning this many calories & NOT shedding pounds?  I dont get my stupid body... because believe me, I didnt eat an extra 1,063 calories ... the joys of a 38 yr old body... big sigh... Oh well, I'll keep burning the calories away...

March 9, 2010 - Pray for this Princess.... I have mentioned here a few times of beautiful Emily & the fight she is having with Infantile Spasms.  If you havent yet, PLEASE, go to her mommy's blog (the link is in my side bar) - you will want to read her story & they NEED your prayers more then ever... Emily has been in the hospital for the past week & had some tests & a surgery... its been a rough week for this angel...look at that sweet & precious face.  Arent you already in love?  I know we all are...

March 10, 2010 - Dont try to steal my MOJO!!!... & no, I'm not thinking Austin Power language.  But this new "granola" bar from Clif is so yummmmmmy!!!  I love the Clif brands because they are full of all-natural products but this has really topped off the charts for me... no losing my mojo Mr. Powerrs!

March 11, 2010 - This is supposed to SOOTHE children?.... Went to visit little Emily again in the hospital & she's in a children's hospital & her floor is decorated with CLOWNS!!! Now, I'm not a fan of clowns but oh my... this picture gives me the creeps... I almost RUN past it so it doesnt look at me & have the scary eye balls following me down the hall...Watch, its probably worth millions of dollars or something... but you couldnt GIVE me this thing....& what is that on its outfit?  A big green olive?  I dont get it...

March 12, 2010 - Give me a big ole Sam's cup.... Friday night was wonderful with the first night I had to come home at a decent hour (before sunset anyways) & I had my Sam's cup & my computer... couldnt get any better then that... time to get caught up on blogs & a big dose of Diet Coke... how my Friday nights have changed...

March 13, 2010 - Trade a grooming trip for a ride in the car.... Zoe & Bruno went to the groomers today & while Bruno LOVES his grooming time - Zoe hates it just as much.  But the payoff for her is a good car ride.  And she likes to sit in my lap while I'm driving & look out the window...& dont worry, she's so tiny, she doesnt get in the way of my steering wheel... her & Bruno both got holiday bandanas to celebrate St. Patrick's Day... just glad they didnt get dyed green...

Cant wait to see all your pictures Project 365-ers... Click away!


  1. That is what kills me about exercising in much as I do I SHOULD SEE THAT SCALE MOVE!!! argh!!!

    that clown....creepy. seriously, that is in the children's ward?

  2. I've been working out bigtime yet it is nearly impossible to maintain my weight - I've got some years on you :D probably not good news to let you know that it doesn't get much easier. I like your hair all fluffy!!! My heart breaks for precious Emily...and yes, the clown is a bit creepy. We used to have a clown lamp in our room when I was a kid and it looked like a psycho clown.

  3. you have such beautiful eyes! ahh so jealous.

    clowns in the childrens floor? seriously? that would scare the heck outta me!!

  4. Oh, wow, those clowns are creepy indeede!

  5. That clown gives ME the creeps ~ can't imagine it "uplifting & encouraging" sick children..haha! Love your 365 posts.

  6. Love that your Friday picture is of AuburnChick's Blog!!

  7. Ooh, I like your hair "short", though. Good to know that if you ever did decide to chop it, you could totally rock the shorter style.

  8. love those pictures!
    what a sweet baby, i said a prayer!

    i understand the calorie's just not fair!

    what kind of dog is that? i used to have one that looked like it and no one could tell me! he sure is cute with the st. patty's attire.

  9. and you have reminded me to get down and scrapbook my past week before I forget.

    With finals and sick kids, I didn't take many pics last week. I need to catch up!

    Gonna go visit April right now.

  10. I seriously need to hop on the 365-er band wagon!

    You are so adorable, your skin is just perfect what's your secret???

  11. I'm loving that first pic....your facial expression is cracking me up!

    I've never had clown issues, but that picture might just change my view.

    Cute puppy!

    Going to visit Emily's mom's blog!

  12. What great pictures, Rebecca! You keep up with that WILL pay off...don''t lose faith! That baby is just the sorry to hear that she's having a tough time. I agree...that clown is big-time CREEPY!

  13. That clown is way too creep looking! Hang in there with exercising. I found if I didn't focus on the numbers I didn't get so freaked out!
    Have a super week!

  14. I got one of those granola bars in a teacher appreciation gift today. I had never seen them before. I haven't tried it yet.

    This 30 1/2 year old knows what you mean about shedding pounds. Discouraging. You're still beautiful!

  15. I'm with you on the clowns. Don't like 'em and that poster is just flat scary! Love the St. Patty bandanas :-) Organic isn't big here (yet) and I've never heard of Clif before. Fun photos! Your photo reminds me of that old shampoo commercial -- remember the one where half the hair had been washed with the shampoo and half with some other brand? LOL Have a great week!

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  17. Love your friz foto!
    Good for you, 5K's 3/wk! Amazing!
    But, how many calories do the Mojo bars have ;)

  18. I don't understand exercise. OR my body. I just throw my hands up!!

    Poor, sweet Baby Emily.

    That clown. is. total. FREAKAZOID!! If I were a parent of a child there, I may just have to insist that it be taken down. Because. Really!

    Yeah, weekends are quite what they used to be, are they? We've had a shift in our value system, I'd say. Instead of partying and loud music and lots of friends and fun on the agenda, we long for quiet and solitude. Dare I say it? Peace.

    Love the holiday bandanas. Very festive! :)


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