Thursday, April 22, 2010

When I dont know what to do....

Charles Billingsley led the worship at Women of Joy this weekend.  I had never heard of him before, but I love this guy now!  He's got a new fan!....What an amazing voice - a beautiful talent - & a sense of humor!  Any man that can hang with an arena full of women, you KNOW he's got to have a sense of humor.  But he sang this song & the words to it just made my heart break... they were so powerful - I actually wrote down the chorus of it while he was singing:

When I dont know what to do - I'll lift my hands
When I dont know what to say - I'll speak your praise
When I dont know where to go - I'll run to your Throne
When I dont know what to think - I'll stand on your truth
When I dont know what to do....

That alone is a message for your heart today, I pray...

Take the time to listen to this whole song... let it be a devotion today for your heart... especially if you're in a trial or place in your life that you arent sure what God's plan is...


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Wow, what did that first comment say? Hmmm...

    I love that video; beautiful words and scenes.

    Thanks for a great start to my day, Rebecca.

  3. What an incredible song ~ He actually came to our church about 4 years ago & I was like you...never heard of him before then but love him now! :) Thanks for a great start to a beautiful day.

  4. Another powerful post..

    I tagged you today if you want to play along..

  5. That is a truly beautiful song and message! :)

  6. I hope you have fun at your weekend. with the girls..


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