Saturday, August 28, 2010

Project 365-29

Sunday - What happens when I miss 2 days.... I love blogs... I have some amazing people I've "met" via blog world.  And when I cant get to a computer easily, it doesnt take long for the blogs to build up on unread stuff!  So this is how many blogs I had to read when I got home from Women of Faith... Its a good thing I like to read...

Monday - Beginning anew... the Girls Small group met & we started a new series called 24/7 ... this DVD lesson shows teens who travel the US & learn about people who are living their life for Jesus 24 hours a day, 7 days a week... I'm excited about this video... its filmed in "reality TV" style, so you know I'm gonna love it!

Tuesday - Lunch with the Radio ... I went out to do some chores at lunch time & then got caught up in a caller on the radio on "New Life Live" with Steve Auderburn.  It was such a beautiful day & I had my door open so I could enjoy the air & looked up & saw the beautiful sky with the bricks on my work building.... & of course, I always have a camera ready...just thought it was a neat picture

Wednesday - the face of a bad day .... I didnt have the best night at church & came home & was bummed out of my mind.  It was such a beautiful night, I went out on the front porch to just look at the moon, let the dogs play in the front yard & talk about the messed up night with Ricky... Ricky said I looked like I was thinking really hard... that's always a dangerous thing! :)

Thursday - "Green" yellow bag ... Here's my latest knitting project finished.  It is made out of the softest cotton & its a "green" bag... a bag you can take to the grocery & not have to use those yucky plastic bags... I think I may have to make everyone I know a few of these if they make a "No-Plastic" deal with me...I need to get a contract for people to sign like Oprah did with the texting while driving...

Friday - love to embarass my husband ... Ricky got the day off work so he was ready to go out to dinner on Friday.  Usually he's beat at the end of the week so its usually dinner at home - which I dont mind now that I like to cook, but its always fun to go out too... When I pulled out my camera, Ricky was like "WHY?" - I said, "Hello - Project 365" - he just covered his face & said "HURRY before anyone sees" ... I think he feels like I have a camera to just torture him sometimes... maybe I do... hmmm...

Saturday - Time just stands still .... Ricky & I went to the state fair ... (no, I didnt try the Krispy Kreme Hamburger... but did see quite a few of them) ... & we were petting some dogs when all of a sudden, I hear my name... look up & see this gal - Stephanie... You all have NO IDEA how this girl was a part of my life... we were BFF's before anyone knew was BFF's were... we were those inseperable kinda girlfriends... if I wasnt at her house, she was at mine... we grew up together & loved & laughed through the years.  Of course, time & life sneak in & I havent seen her in quite awhile... but seeing her, it was like time doesnt even exist.  We were instantly laughing at stories & memories of the past... oh my gosh, I forgot how much I love this girl... I forgot how awesome friendships are & how they transend time... I didnt want to leave her... but we got the numbers in our cell phones saved so now, I'm not going to let time & life sneak anymore away from us...

Saturday's picture alone made my whole week.... so I hope you all have some amazing click-worthy moments in the week to come....


  1. Well, now I don't feel so bad - I only have about 150 items in my reader if I don't get to it for a few days. Heh.

    I want a green bag! Just kidding - I just bought one that wads up into a little sack so I can keep it in my purse. I keep cloth grocery bags in my car. Back when we lived in a 3rd floor apartment we discovered that they are WAY easier to lug up to the 3rd floor than plastic bags.

    Sorry you had a bad Wednesday - & at church no less. Hope things are better now.

  2. Sorry you had a stinky evening Wednesday. You look sad in that picture. Sorry friend.

    LOVE the green yellow bag. How GREAT!! And the pledge idea. So where do I sign? =)

    Ricky cracks me up, and so glad that you got to see your friend.

    Have a Blessed Lord's day friend,

  3. Sorry you had a stinky evening Wednesday. You look sad in that picture. Sorry friend.

    LOVE the green yellow bag. How GREAT!! And the pledge idea. So where do I sign? =)

    Ricky cracks me up, and so glad that you got to see your friend.

    Have a Blessed Lord's day friend,

  4. Oh friend. Your first picture made me smile because, as you know, my life is NUTS right now, and I've been dreading the first opening of Google Reader. Mine said 411. Ugh, ugh, ugh!

    I'm so sorry that you had a bad evening at church on Wednesday. Hugs.

    And seeing the friend? Yay! Your smile always makes me smile. You exude JOY in that smile!!!


  5. holy cow..456?!!!

    I love that green bag!! My problem is that I always for get to take mine I only shop once a week so I have like 10 bags. maybe now that I am down to one child I can do it!

    our families just love P365, don't they?

    how fun to reconnect with an old friend! you can see the joy on your face!!!

  6. just wanted to tell you that Step Up 3D was great!!! I loved it. The 3D was actually pretty cool and especially in a couple of dance scenes that used water and/or chalk. The story line was fairly predictable but the dancing was amazing!!!

  7. Sorry about your bad Wednesday :( but know what i'm thinking?? YOU HAVE FLAWLESS SKIN! What's your secret??? :)

    That picture of Ricky is hiarious!!!

  8. I can't believe how many blogs you had to read! YIKES!!
    Sorry you had a crummy night. Prayerfully, God has given you some clarity over the situation.
    I LOVE your "green" bag!! That is so much better looking than my boring ones!
    A Krispy Kreme hamburger? Are you serious? I think arteries are clogging just reading that! :)
    Have a super week!!!

  9. Your google reader looks like mine!!!

  10. lol Your hubby hates pics a little more than mine does. :)

    A Krisy Kreme hamburger? WHAT?! lol

    I love your grocery bag!

  11. hopeful things are better...
    great pics
    thx 4 sharing


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