Monday, August 23, 2010

Project 365 - Women of Faith Edition

So I had to make a special edition blog for some of my Women of Faith pictures... always such a good time. 

A road trip can never start out without a trip to Cracker Barrel.... I ended up getting a "egg beater" sandwich cause I got a little scared when our waitress wasnt even AWARE of the egg -recall... um, no thank you - give me fake eggs please...

Got to the outlet mall & I was excited to go into a COOKING STORE... since I'm now a COOK, in case you didnt know!  And every cook needs a great apron - right?  How adorable is this?  I didnt end up getting it & wished I had... I think I'd wear it as part of my attire daily if I had it. (& no, I'm not a giant - I just didnt untie the straps that went around the neck... so its sitting WAY higher then it should be)

Carly has a tradition of trying on kids headbands at the "Children's Place" & I got to join in this year.  I actually liked the little witches hat... again, part of the daily attire?  Between this & the apron, I'd be the coolest dressed person ever - right?

We met up with Jordan - Carly's best buddy & then the fun was on... This is in a shoe store... seriously?  Who should have this much fun trying on shoes?

We found a Hurricane Simulator & had to try it out... I love the laughs in this picture.  You cant even see my face because my hair is all over the place!  The winds in this tunnel got up to around 100 mph.  I kept screaming "I cant breath" because it was literally taking my breath away... which made the girls just laugh harder.  Nice!  I love how we each have on shirts with things that we love too... yes, mine is a Steven Curtis Chapman shirt!!!  Surprised?  Didnt think so....

Onto the conference... it was incredible as always & I actually didnt get lots of pictures in the arena.  I did take a picture of Patsy though - she is always my favorite speaker.  She's so funny but can just BAM! - lay a message on you that you werent expecting & it be so powerful & profound.  I want Patsy Clairmont to be my best friend.... just some reason to get to be able to listen to her all the time!

But of course, you KNOW the highlight for me is when this man came on stage....

And yeah, he said this in front of 11,000 in the arena... at least in my mind, he did......

Meet our youngest member of the trip... she wants to start a new conference called "Babies of Faith" - isnt she just gorgeous!  She had it made with women just waiting in line to hold her... every baby's dream

The trip home called for a treat... we stopped at Cold Stone Creamery - I had never been there before & was amazed at the possibilities.  But I had been doing good with the food during the weekend so I went for a Strawberry/Banana Smoothie.  WOW - so fresh & so yummy!  A great way to get back on the road.

Here is just PART of the group that went with our church... we had 52 women in all...
We left inspired, knowing the love of our Lord is OVER THE TOP for us!

Until next year....


  1. What an awesome opportunity & I am so thankful you got to enjoy it with friends from your church. I love reading the Women of Faith books and would love to hear those authors in person.

  2. You are just too cute! Love the apron and the headband (although I think the proper head attire would be a tiara to go with the apron).

    Glad you had a great time at WOF :)

    I volunteered at Promise Keepers one year and SCC was the musical was awesome! Just love him!

  3. I love these conferences. I wish I could have gone too. Sad face.

    Looks like you had a blast!

  4. loved the pictures and now can't wait to go on friday. we have 13 ladies from our church driving to Tulsa to it. I am currently sick and praying I get over it soon...ugh! I don't want to miss it!!!

  5. I'm glad you had such a great time. You should have gotten the apron AND the witch headband (of course if I wore a witch headband I would get lots of commentary about how appropriate it was).

  6. You crack me up. I'm sure that's EXACTLY what SSC was saying, haha!!!!! Love you!!!

    Soooo fun!!! :)

  7. Some day I am going to go. Someday.
    I think I need a Cracker Barrel close to me to give me a boost along the way.
    Glad you could go and have a great time. It does a woman good to get her batteries recharged.

  8. ohhhh my goodness!!!!

    I LOOOOVVVVEEEE this!!!!!!!!!!11

    umm those headbands are like AMAZING!!!!!!!! I want one for every season!!!!!!!!!!!

    that apron was cute too :)

    Love the baby WoF pic!!!

    and woot woot SCC!!!!! I knew you'd be stoked to hear about our first song, our last song that I mentioned was to I Will Be Here..and he sang it to me the whole time---ohhh I LOVE my MAN!!!!

  9. Oh I love all those pics! So fun!!! Especially the hurricane and SCC one :)

  10. Oh I could sooo go for that smoothie right now!


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