Monday, September 13, 2010


I'm reading a book right now called "Conversations with the Fat Girl" ... I have literally laughed out loud about this story of two friends who grew up together, both over weight through the awkward teen years... & then one gets gastic bypass & is now a size two & is now getting married.  I wont tell anymore - you can always check out my Book Blog to see what I think of the book altogether at the end...

But being someone who has had a fight with weight my whole life, I can relate with Maggie... I think women in general can relate with her... just because ladies, we are so hard on ourselves - aren't we? It doesnt even have to be a "weight" issue.  We are so picky... noses, hair, hips, arms... the list can go on forever to cover every body part we have that we may not like.

Look at this part of the book though...such a gentle reminder..... (Kate & Emily are Maggie's sister & niece)

I remember Kate telling me a story about when she enrolled Emily in ballet class at the Pasadena Athletic Club.  Kate was told to bring Emily to class in full ballet togs so she could hop around for an hour with a former ballerina named Miss Janie.  Upon arrival, Kate was horrifed to see that all the other little girls were wearing little black leotards & pink tights.  Emily, on the other hand, was in pink from head to toe, including her tutu & sparkling wand.  Kate turned to Emily thinking her daughter would be humilated.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" Kate asked gently.
"Yes, Mommy, I'm fine," she said. "I hope all the other girls are okay with what they're wearing."
And into the class she walked, sparkling wand in the air, to greet Miss Janie.
I want to be like that.  I want to be seven years old again. 
I want to go back to the day my confidence left me & was replaced by an apology.

I love that...

Ladies... let's all remember the confidence that we had growing up...

Not caring what others "think" - we're beautiful, each in our own apologizes needed.

Now, where's my pink tutu & sparkling wand?


  1. Sounds like a good book :) Would love to read it if I get a chance.

  2. I loved that book!

    Hugs & love,

    *Ha, my word verification word is trolls, lol

  3. Sounds like a book every woman should read to remind us not to take others' opinions so seriously.

  4. Wow, that confidence is the best!!! I'd like that too, and yes, we're so hard on ourselves. :(

  5. Sounds like a great book! And I agree, my five year old does things on her own terms - funnily enough I also have a dance class example! She decided one day at ballet class that she wanted to wear yoga pants and her hip hop shoes - because she's not a girlie girl, she's a tomboy. So there she danced, amongst all the other girls in their pink tutus. Brave, eh? I hope she keeps that up...

  6. My pink tutu and sparkling wand is right next to yours sista' !!! =) Now let's pick them up and walk with confidence!!

    I love you girl ~~ what a GREAT post!!

    Going to your book blog to check this out ~~ love you, Have a Blessed day, Dawn

  7. I'm not familiar with that book, but it sure sounds like one I'd enjoy!

  8. So love this Jo Jo!!! What a great reminder. Hebrews 10:35-36. Look it up. Goes hand and hand with this post :)

  9. It does sound like a good book...Reminds me of the Christian song by Jason Diaz called More Beautiful You...Check it out on YouTube and thanks for the reminder that we're all beautiful!

  10. sounds like an awesome book! What great confidence Emily had, I hope she keeps it!

  11. Sounds like a wonderful book!

    It is amazing, isn't it, how that strong self-confidence of our youth can flee so quickly in the face of our peers.

    God made each one of us to His own specifications...when we doubt our own abilities, we are doubting His. Something to think about...


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