Sunday, September 05, 2010

Project 365-30

30 weeks I've done this? Wow!!! Its interesting to go back & see the beginning where its all snow & cold... & headed into the summer pictures... now ready to head into the Fall pictures... here's to another week!

Sunday - Lazy Sick Day .... I woke up with a sore throat & feeling horrible.  I stayed on the couch or in my bed... & just carried my knitting with me wherever I went.  This is the beginning of a sock... & see Sydney on the side of the bed?  Bless her heart - she'd go wherever I went.  She's always such a sweet dog.

Monday - Making it through the day .... I hated being at work sick... when I could, I would lay my head down & just try to rest. Lunch time, I think I actually fell asleep... came home & back to bed... I'm not a good sick patient....

Tuesday - Chicken Surprise!!! ... I put on some chicken breast for dinner & with my throat hurting, it just didnt taste good to me - so lots of leftovers.  The dogs reaped all the benefits of leftovers.  I took the chicken, shredded it & put it on the bottom of the dogs bowls, under their dog food.  It was so funny because they all dug right in - by throwing out their dog food & getting to the chicken first!  If they were human, I think they'd go for dessert at the beginning of a meal... hey, sounds good actually!

Wednesday - still felt bad... & didnt even get to take a picture... Boo on me... I know...

Thursday - Cowl finished... Because I missed a picture yesterday, I'll give you two for Thursday.  I finished this cowl & absolutely love it!  I love the look of the cowl - it hangs really nicely & would be a great little extra warmth in the winter...

And when its REALLY cold & you have to walk outside - you can pull it up to cover your head... isnt it fantastic?  It was so quick to make too... Dont look ladies - most of you will be receiving these for Christmas...

Friday - Only one quick thing... I ran to Hobby Lobby to get some yarn for a bag I'm kntting next & planned on just picking that up & then running back out... well, then I see the 50% off signs everywhere & they call my name.  So picked up the most beautiful frame for the grandbabies beach pictures... & then came across a whole area with HEADBAND STUFF!!! Yes - the big flowers & feathers & I thought I would just die right there & be happy... They are like the kind you have for kids - a headband you can change out the flowers.  Oh, the possibilites are endless.  I walked out with 2 flowers & 4 headbands... So much for a quick trip!

Saturday - Organizing... I am working on my "craft room" but in order to do that, I had to pare down my Beauty & the Beast collection... this is all stuff I've kept, by the way... you have no idea how much I have!!  Love it all & kinda was able to scatter it - some of the "library" scene snow globes went into my library... more snowglobes went into my Beauty & the Beast bedroom... told you I was obsessed...Its like looking in am mirror when I see Belle... dont laugh...

Hope you've all had moment in your life that you want to capture this week!


  1. I love your cowl but I'm so sorry that you're not feeling well!

  2. Oh great pictures.. I hope you are feeling better. My little one loved the Belle pictures.

  3. it stinks to be sick...even more so when you have to go to work!!! hopefully you have been able to rest this long weekend!!

    Love, LOVE the cowl!

  4. I LOVE the pictures of you in the cowl....just beautiful!!!

    Hope you are feeling better.

    Have a Blessed and restful Labor Day,

  5. The cowl is "gawgeous" RJ! You are so talented.

    Hope this holiday weekend will give you plenty of time to rest and get better. Being sick is no fun!

  6. That cowl looks terrific on you!!!!! GREAT job! Hope you're feeling better today!

  7. library scene snow globes? haven't heard of those before. I absolutely love the cowl. I have one of those from years ago when I used to ski. So versatile and chic!! You are incredibly skilled girl :) Hope you are feeling better.

  8. Wow, sorry you were so miserable. I don't like bulky things around my neck and prefer tossle caps to keep my head warm. Glad you are feeling better! I like how my pets come by me when I'm not feeling well. They are very concerned--probably because they want to make sure I will feed them still.

  9. Hope you're feeling better today - it's a pain to be sick but still have to go to work. LOVE the picture of you at work LOL.

    Your dogs are like me. It's only as an adult that I've made myself eat the stuff I don't like as much & save the good stuff for last.

  10. hope you are getting better…sore throat is not a lot of fun its just uncomfortable and difficult to swallow.

    usually, i would take the Nim Jiom Cough Syrup which has a thick consistency formulation. it coats the throat and includes herbs that are particularly good for that application.

    i hope it works on you as well.

  11. I love your cowl but I'm so sorry that you're not feeling well!


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